Steemit Open Mic #75 - "Mundane Things" (original song) - @itinerantartist

I give a little intro at the beginning of the video, hopefully doesn't deter anyone from hearing the song. If you'd rather just hear the song, fast forward to around 0:57 and I'll start playing:) For those of you who'd rather read, I outline at the beginning how this is a new song, it's really rough, and probably not ready to publish out in the big blockchain world. I arrived home last night after traveling for work the past 4 days and was completely exhausted - planning to record a cover since this wasn't quite finished and finessed. But low and behold, the second I picked up my guitar it was the only thing that would come out of me. This song was really calling to me. So, unpolished and definitely not perfect - I had to piece together a few missing lyrics to tie the story together. I struggled with recording this one as well, because it's new and the break in patten and chords and fingerpicking (I pluck one string, strum, pause strum the same chord then move fast to pluck the next chord and string) was really difficult for me as I'm not the best musician (even after playing guitar for years I still play at the campfire level - which is a funny way of referencing when your friends gather around a campfire during summers and someone grabs a guitar so we can all sing along). Anyway, it took me about 30 attempts before the recording was decent enough with minimal mistakes, which is bizarre for me because normally I feel okay with submitting after 2 or 3 takes. So, here it is - abhorrently human and filled to the brim with little mishaps, reminding me just what it's like to walk in this world as an imperfect being.

The meaning of the song is quite special, although lyrically it still needs a little refining. The song is actually inspired by a poem I have been in the process of writing for my poetry series Handwritten Reveries, that will hopefully be finished soon, in which case I’ll publish more about the relationship between the two and the deeper meaning of the poem then.

The song itself takes a little different spin, reflecting on how subtle special moments that are so blasé and mundane can end up making the most meaningful moments and connections. It details out three particular instances, the first where the singer portrays a moment of "people-watching" with their lover and reflects on some of the conversations it brought out, with a small undertone of sadness tying it together. The second verse refers to the second moment, how just being together - doing things like breathing, blinking, and sighing - create moments that would inspire profound poetry by the likes of the 13th Century Persian poet Rumi. The third verse references a type of future dream-state, referring to the line You make the craziest ideas / Totally attaining, and like in my other song "Future" references the recent SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch and beautiful artist rendering of Starman, sitting on his Tesla on Mars drinking coffee. You can find the artwork I reference in the song on the artist's Instagram .


Let's play our window watching game
Where we ponder, wonder why
The winds and rains become our friends
But the people just pass by

—And I don’t really know why, but
You make the most mundane things
Seem so exhilarating
You make the craziest ideas
Totally attaining

Let's make profound poetry
When we breathe and blink and sigh
Turn these moments into words
Rumi himself would write

—And I don’t really know why, but
You make the most mundane things
Seem so exhilarating
You make the craziest ideas
Totally attaining

Let's float away from the coastline
In a red sportcar
Let's end up on mars
Drinking coffee

—And I don’t really know why, but
You make the most mundane things
Seem so exhilarating
You make the craziest ideas
Totally attaining

Listen to more of my original songs on Soundcloud

Check out my other open mic videos:
Open Mic Week #71
Open Mic Week #73

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