An Invitation To The Over20 Club: I Accept!!

Hi There 😊

I got an invitation to the Over20 Club. Not in age (that ship has sailed) but the number of FreeWrites I had written. I got the invitation!! Was I excited? You bet!! It is an achievement that I am very proud of.

But look at me writing at the 11th hour. Thank goodness @mariannewest's Wednesday is my Thursday, so I am racing against time through text trying to make the deadline (hey just like a freewrite).

Just incase you are not sure what a FreeWrite is, the best way I can describe it is, when the debate team is a thrown a topic on the spot to debate. Or in Public Speaking or the Toast Masters Club when you are given a topic you need to present on the spot. You just get inside your head, and regurgitate whatever you have, everything that you have heard and read, bits of information that's tucked away, some you didn't even know was lurking in the corners, everything comes pouring out because your intention is to bring forth everything you have to make it work and make it the best.

@mariannewest is custodian of the FreeWriteHouse and the prompts. Everyday she drops a prompt and we need to take that prompt, set the timer for 5 minutes and just let the words spill out. There's no right or wrong, no one to police you, it's just you against the clock to get to the end.

I have days where I would immediately have an idea of what I want to write about. Sometimes, I need to let it slip and slide in my head and then there are times until I start the timer, I am clueless and just type away. A couple of times, I finished and didn't like what I had. I would start all over again. Then there are times, I am pleasantly surprised with the end result.

I then spend about 10 minutes cleaning up, fix the spelling and grammar mistakes. There are bits I add and bobs that I change since I already know the end. I make it work the best I can. Get a nice picture to accompany the Free Write and I am done. And when someone reads and likes it, it makes my heart sing. And if no one reads, and no one has anything to say, I am still good which is why I need to make sure I like what I'm putting out there.

So I would l like to share some of my favourites. As I was scrolling through, I realised there were so many I liked, but I will cap it at 5 otherwise I might end up putting everything down. Haha.


Not Til The Fat Lady Sings

"The prompt is Grand Piano. I didn't know the ending to this one until I typed it out. And then I really liked how dramatic it turned out to be."

She had her best dress on. It was the colour of blood. Red always made her feel special. She looked at her nails. Also blood red. Beautiful. So were her lips. Her eye lashes, with mascara were thick and long. She took a deep breath and sat at The Grand Piano. She gently ran her fingers over the keys and allowed the moment to wash over her.

Read The Complete Free Write Here


I Saw A Wild Pig Running Down The Street

"Most of my stories are dark. I realise the Free Write brought a lot of pain and hurt into my stories, things that had happened in my life, things that had happened in the lives of people I know, or even just stuff I read and hear. So when I was attracted to the prompt I Saw Wild Pig Running Down The Street, I was happy I had some some silly in me. That I can be light hearted too... hmmmmm actually with the ending ...Oh well, it is still kind of funny"

I saw a wild pig running down the street
I decided I absolutely had to follow it
"Oink!" it squealed and kept on running
I skipped after, "What could be happening?"

Read The Complete Free Write Here


Caterpillars Are Beautiful Too!

"The prompt Caterpillars was me trying to make sense of why people need to compare kids especially in front of them. Til today, I still hear relatives comment on my kids because they look different. And it is comments like, Oh, this one is handsome. It's terrible and they are not aware how damaging it can be. And I always do damage control the first chance I get."

“You know you are a butterfly. You are beautiful.”

Her mum always tried to make her feel special. But she knew she was a caterpillar. And she knew she would never ever be a butterfly.

Her sister ... her sister was the butterfly. She had heard this all her life. From family and friends and even strangers.

Read The Complete Free Write Here


CLOUDS Tell A Story

"The prompt Clouds came through during my travels. And I thought of my mother quite a bit because she really liked to travel and the last time I went to visit my brother, in fact the last I travelled, it was with her. She inspired this story."

She stared at the clouds. This was one of her most favourite things they did together. They’d make sandwiches and tea, lay out the chequered red cloth on the grass and stare at the clouds.

They would then make up little stories about the different shapes. It was best on a cloudy day. They could make it as real or as crazy as they wanted. They would just get lost in all the silliness.

Read The Full Free Write Here


Lights, Camera, Action!! It's The MONKEY's WEDDING!

"The prompt Monkey's Wedding was a real curve ball. This is one of those that came at the last minute and the ending churned out as I typed away against the clock. "

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They called her Apelicious, Banana Eater, Hairy Scary... Not just behind her back but to her face. When she got her first gig on TV, the producers were so excited with the stage name they had come up with, Funky Monkey. She went with it because she had to prove a point that she too could be wanted. Who's having the last laugh now she thought.

Read The Complete Free Write Here


"Let's Make TREES Great Again!!"

"Okay, I know I promised only 5, but here's one last one I could leave out. For the prompt Trees, I became one"

"Thank you everyone for being present today. I have been a little sad of late and I hear it in the rustle of your leaves, that it has been bothering you too. So, let's share and see how we can make things better."

They bowed their approval. The leaves were swaying in the breeze, as the birds sang their happy songs. Did the birds care if they were resting on tree branches or window ledges?

Read The Complete Free Write Here/


I remember the very first free write I did, it was over the weekend. I was scouring steemit, checking out this and that and I came across a FreeWrite, clicked on the tag and it brought me to @mariannewest. It happened to be the Weekend FreeWrite which had 3 prompts which is a different beast all together. I had so much fun, there has been no looking back since. If you are ever stuck for ideas, or just want to see what's in your head space. Give Free Write a go. Warning: You might find there's a writer with quite an imagination in you and even worse, you might get hooked just like me.

Thank you @mariannewest for the invitation to be part of the Over20 Club. I accept and I will wear the badge with pride.

’Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee - Steem On!!



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