Earned My Over 20 Club Badge 5/4/18

Oh my gosh, I was super stoked when I saw the comment, about being picked for the Over 20 Club award. I stumbled a few times on doing my daily prompts, but learned to make it a habit, no matter how grumpy or tired I was. I cannot thank @freewritehouse for the pick. It is a great feeling. I also want to thank @fireawaymarmot for making the beautiful badge. I will use it with pride. :)

Those of you reading this, if you have not joined the freewrite club yet, what are you waiting for? It is full of great people.

Here are my picks of my previous posts, that I was really impressed with.
I enjoyed writing this story. It was a follow up of when Chozzy had gotten hurt, and Charlotte's reaction when she saw him again.

This was one of my early 3 prompt stories. Once I started typing, I was amazed with how smoothly it went. The story flowed together for me, as if I was reading a book.

I find myself going back to this poem, from time to time. It was drawn out from my heart.


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