People with Passion Can Make The Impossible Happen! This Is Not Fusion! This is The Soundtrack Of The World! Inspired by Peter Gabriel

Passions give us purpose, but more than that, they make us feel that we have a purpose in our lives. Shut off and disconnect the world you live in, out for a moment.....This wonderful album is featuring some of the most pioneering world music artists on the planet playing in unity ...AS ONE! 

After a few evenings listening, I know more than ever. We all have a purpose and it is our duty to pursue a reason for our journey. 

Follow your passion, be prepared to practice and sacrifice. It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light - Stefano Pivetti ( Photographer I found on Twitter )

Read what quality music can do to me and I am quite sure to you as well.

If you haven't listened to one of the all time greatest albums, PASSION by Peter Gabriel and the soundtrack to the film The Last Temptation of Christ, I ask you to take one evening off and do your soul a favor!

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I quote Karsh Kale, a fantastic musician and dear friend for many years, a good father for Milan, husband of my most loyal and best friend Anja . ( Click the links for his music )

He really touched me with his words he wrote on facebook the other day: 

Take this journey!For me ....This album made me feel closer to people from all over the world...For a moment You can feel like a citizen of this planet ... Political, cultural, religious borders start to disappear and are replaced by a sense of unity and belonging. National flags are replaced by individual faces ... Familiar faces Those who bleed, feel and wonder just like you do.... For those who take this journey.....I dare you not to be weeping by the end of it.

I had so many questions after weeping indeed for a bit, enjoying such mellifluous, mellow and sweet music for even 3 evenings.

What are the things we should be passionate about? 

You might have been struggling to figure out what your life passion might be as I do remind myself constantly what my purpose is to be even here? Is it enough what I do for our world? Am I important? Are there good people out there who even notice me and my efforts contributing to our societies well being, fighting for my communities rights for justice because I am so passionate about helping on and on that we all could live in complete happiness? Is this really possible? Can an urge helping everybody (including suffering animals) damage your own life because you might forget about your own dreams, being there for others too much?

Do passionate people live happier and better lives than the average individuals?

Sometimes I am so proud but then I end up criticizing myself or even comparing to others who are way more educated, popular and so persistent following their passions with discipline, I never really had. I have no special skills as a performing artists but I am crazy for finding them, promote and help but sometimes I feel its not very rewarding when you run into users. I met a lot of those who will be there when they need you but gone when you are not useful anymore. Some artists are worse than whores! I actually prefer prostitutes because at least you know who you are dealing with and how much you have to pay, meaning they are at least honest what they want from you, give back, not only take. 

I am a bit frustrated with the crazy music business as you can probably hear from my angry words. I am honest! To work with artists was my passion day and night since my 20's. I found new ways to feed my love for art & music and actually I will never give up anyways. Burning out with your job is quite common. I am glad I always had more than one source of income. 

I am extremely passionate to find ways to earn money without selling my soul to some bosses telling me what to do. I am independent and nobody's slave. l call myself sarcastically :  " Passionate Obsessed Hustler " and I am quite good at it to have always just enough to live a good enough life. 

The Greatest Gift Of Life is Being Able To Like Who You Are! 

I courageously changed my path more than once, moved to various countries to start all over again. It would not have made any sense to keep on doing what did not feel right anymore.

How To Gain Your RIGHT For FREEDOM, The Tenability Of What You CAN Do Anywhere, ANYTIME! 

“You know you’re not doing what you love. Your life lacks a deeper meaning, and you have no idea what you’re really passionate about. What in the world are you doing with your life?”

What to do when you loose your enthusiasm ?

Remember the good days ! Sometimes I am loosing my enthusiasm and shift into new challenges very quickly. My attention span is limited and I get bored too easily , always looking for more to learn. Oh boy , do I love adrenaline rushes.

Yes, we can loose our passion for anything but the moment I listen to an album like Peter Gabriel's, Karsh Kale or to Jimi Hendrix ( the list is long ), I am back and high up again and can continue to follow my dreams, forgetting all negativity and say fuck it with those who give my business a bad name. 

There are many unforgettable moments I cherish in my career as a manager and artist booker. Here are some 24 hours party people photos of a few Dj's I worked with and those are the ones who keep me going. I bet you can feel the passion for my work. You can find here more at Mammasitta's Art Network website and my MassiVeVibrations Blog.

Steve Rachmad, Falcon, Steve Aoki, Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Funky Gong, Apparat, Tim Healey, Alan Braxe, Green Velvet, Peter Kruder, Pig&Dan and many more....


I have a purpose! How can I forget dancing and smiling with our happy audience?



How can you shift your " youthful " passions into a more mature meaning of life?

I always wanted to write a book and it took me decades to even write this here. A new passion was born thanks to steemit and an enormous motivating writers I am learning from, my tales of life and how to live it to the fullest is in work.

I function when I am spontaneous, I might be a bit maniac in one way going to the extremes until I see myself falling in a dark hole again. No, I am not depressed! I am a strong woman and heard this a zillion of times that I am nearly sick of it. Many times I am not. I was heavily depressed once before when menopause kicked in, a shocking wake up call reminding me of my age, it messed up my hormone level so badly that nobody could be around me, not even myself.


I was a lunatic! I lost motivation, I stopped watching movies, listening to my favorites tracks got me anxious. I didn't feel to drag myself to a gym, I didn't feel to do anything, didn't care about people and their causes, the world's problems and could not even read books. I cocooned from all the fun, I usually love to occupy myself with. The moment I conquered those damn hormones I was fine again, kind off. I am a workaholic and addict for success, not money though. To make money is an euphoric sensation like a line of coke but it lasts only for seconds. Now, I can listen to music 25 hours a day again. The feeling of joy lasts forever.

We all have shitty days as I wrote here in one of my very first, a bit messy articles but we have to shake all downers off and do it all over again, no matter what. 

7am: I cried and didn't feel to get out of bed. That's a very alarming sign.

8am: I already had smoked half a pack of camels, 3 coffees...instead of sipping on a fresh coconut as I usually would do.

9am: I turned of my smartest-ass iPhone and disconnected

10am: I finally took a shower

11am: I started writing and this is a big brake through with the topic : 

What are you passionate about in your life?

Isn't it a never ending task following up every morning? I can be so passionate about being lazy but staying in bed will not get you anywhere. Find something you are excited about every damn day and also evening before you slip off into your dreams. Forget your nightmares! 

Live a life YOU Love!


Voice – Youssou N'Dour

Voice [Qawwali] – Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan


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