Week 13 of Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Entry @reonlouw

This is my fifth entry in this contest. It remains a great expression of the Steemit culture and something everyone should participate in. Having said that, I am amazed at the commitment @thedarkhorse and the judges @tryskele , @lynncoyle1, @energyaddict22, & @wolfhart have shown towards this contest. We are a fickle generation, especially online and attention often wander. I salute the commitment, the hours of work and the heart that keeps you engaged here.

If you want to know more about this contest, please follow the link to this week's post.

Lucky 13! Week 13 of Pay It Forward Curation Contest

Here are the two bloggers I want to highlight in this entry.

1. @nexit

This blogger is from the Netherlands and first responded to an Afrikaans comment I made in a comment. (Afrikaans, a South African language, developed from Dutch, the language spoken in the Netherlands.) We share a sense of humour, I think and @nexit is trying to engage me in a daily "Find the Missing Number" contest with little success. I have looked for this number everywhere but to no avail. We may have to call the police next unless you can help. Check it out here:

Daily "Find the Missing Number" Contest - 27 June 2018

To learn more about @nexit you can take a look at this post. This is the one I am nominating for curation by everyone who reads here.
@reonlouw: "Come for the money, stay for the community!"

I think @nexit's engaging and friendly banter and generosity of spirit makes for an ideal Steemian. Please add your encouragement to mine.

2. @botefarm

Teniola Bolade from southwest Nigeria is a practising Organic Vegetable farmer. He is a prolific blogger that participates actively in a number of communities on Steemit.

@botefarm inspires me with his can-do attitude and exemplary work ethic. I also love his love for his country as shown in the post I am nominating.

My Steemit Journey So Far : Come For The Money, Stay For The Community

I find it easy to predict that this man will accomplish success in his every endeavour. He is worthy of your support here on Steemit.

3. Optional: Themed 3rd Featured Blogger: @giantbear

The third blogger I am allowed to showcase here should be an artist of any rank. I used to spend a lot of money on Amazon.com, buying books. I am an avid reader and feel deprived if unable to read for at least an hour before falling asleep every night.
I think Amazon is in trouble. I am not spending nearly as much there since I discovered @giantbear. And you will also spend less at Amazon once you discover this author. As a Steemian, @giantbear is above most of us. I write this for your sake, not that of @giantbear. You can thank me later...

The wake up call - Short story- Chapter one

This is fun to do. I find it hard to believe that you are not doing it too!


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