THE TRUTHS OF A FARMER # 1 - it's not like everyone thinks

Today there is a demand for many foods, since the human population is getting bigger every day; To this can be added the fact that many producers have migrated to the cities in search of "new opportunities", leaving their production in total abandonment and in turn has an impact on the national production of the country. The statistics proposed by the F.A.O (Organization of the United Nations for agriculture and food) tell us:

"That in the periods between 1960 and 2000 the world population doubled and in the years 1997 and 1999 61% of the population that was living in countries where the average consumption of food was 2700kcal / day"


If you want to continue reading about this information click here

Now, imagine a world where only 10% of the population goes to produce food for 90% of the rest of the population; I should be hungry all over the world, this without taking into account that we not only consume Vegetables, vegetables and fruits. In 1920 a congress of young communists was held in Russia in which a communist leader in one of his speeches says:

"To be a member of the union of communist youths is to put their work and their intelligence at the service of the common cause. This is communist education. Only by this work do a young man or a girl become true communists. Take, for example, the work of the suburban gardens. Is not this a work of the utmost importance? This is one of the tasks of the union of communist youth. The people go hungry, in factories there is hunger. To save ourselves from hunger, horticulture must be developed, but agriculture is old-fashioned. And now it is necessary that the most conscientious elements put hands to work and you will see you grow the number of vegetable gardens, increase the area, improve the yield "

Vladimir Ilich - Lenin

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A speech of much criticism and much need for the time, however in the real time we live the overcrowding of agriculture is a fact, so we have machinery and technologies that even a button can activate and start producing. But where do we leave the natural? In any other place, the countries where diseases are more prone to contract cancer, a disease that "supposedly has no cure", has proliferated more in society for many scientists and critics has shown which is the product of a poor diet, to consume artificial products, with dyes among hundreds of other properties.

If you want to continue reading about the countries with more cancer worldwide click here

Also as a farmer there are a series of seeds and agricultural products that are genetically modified that correspond to a specific technology or technological package that keeps us dependent on their businesses, but they sell you patents so that you can not emerge as a producer, the case of Monsantos and see what a coincidence the BAYER (global medicine company bought Monsantos). This company Monsantos is dedicated to produce agricultural products with poison and carcinogenic materials, then: what will be the real purpose of food? What do they gain because we are sick?

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