How Do You View Life?

We all have a different view of life, we view it through different lenses. Some might view it to be filled with beauty, to some, it is an adventure, some percieve life to be a struggle, while to some it is really a journey filled with so many negativeness, the different views of life are just endless. Most times our view of life is affected by the things we have experience (whether good or bad), how much we have been hurt or the challenges we are facing.


When we have had more of good experiences with life, we tend to view it as beautiful and when the bad times come, we are quick to judge it as bad or maybe "shitty", and seeing it as the latter doesn't improve our lives in any way. Funny enough, bad experiences, no matter how little they are, tend to distort our view of life (but we really shouldn't let them).

The way we view life has an enormous effect on what we do with it and how much we benefit from it. I believe that life is a beautiful gift and should be treasured! My life hasn't been all flowery and glittery, I have had my own fair share of pains, challenges and sadness, but amidst the sadness and pains, there were also happy times. At some point, I allowed my bad experiences with life taint my view of it. But now, I know better not to let it do that!


We might face a lot of challenges and obstacles, so many fears, frustrations and uncertainties but that's just phases we have to pass through. How we see them is what matters in the long run, they don't change life from what it is or supposed to be, they come and they go.

Life is a blessing and filled with so many possibilities. It is beautiful! Don't let unpleasant experiences define how you view it. We should let ourselves explore life and make the best out of it. It is actually  our interpretation of it that matters, and that is what influences what we do with it.


See it as a journey, but don't be focused on the destination only, be adventurous let yourself enjoy the journey while you work on reaching your destination.  You will be amazed at the number of things you will learn, and the fun you will have. 

And if you don't wanna see it as a journey, then feel free to see it in whatever way you want (I mean, we all have different views, right?) but make sure that  view is that of positivity. Let's view life through a lens of positivity!

So, tell me, how do you view life? Share your thoughts with me.

Much Love, Audrey

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