Reality Is Realistic: Animal Torture Is A Secret, Multibillion-Dollar Business

Finding  the right picture for this column was a painful experience because  pictures of animal suffering and human cruelty abound as shown on google images.  This difficult choice came along with the realization that sobriety would do this blog justice much better.  Earth Custodians isn’t an  activist platform but advocates for the remodeling of the Self,  it is a  ‘mindset movement’ above all. 

While  following the money on an individual scale may seem acceptable it is  often, if not always, lethal on a grand scale. It is just like the tip  of the iceberg versus its invisible part which is always a lot bigger.  The unseen holds the tip straight up, making it visible. But as the  unseen part melts away and the tip can only follow the mechanisms of  Nature. What is meant here is that the unseen dictates the surface what  to do in the end.  

Many  animal activists feel right about their stance but they should begin to  question the latter. While it is beyond question that there is a  staggering animal suffering going on, it isn’t very realistic to push  any vegan and vegetarian diets into people’s throats.  Decades of  radical activism has postponed balanced solutions. As usual, the truth  lies in the middle and only addressing the social consumerist addiction will  offer a serious long-time relief as the latter is at the very core of  the problem.  Our addictions are not only another issue crushing us to no end but also increasing animal abuse exponentially. 

Activism  cannot do a thing if not questioning our habits in the first place.  We  cannot fix animal suffering nor end factory farms, if we keep  dismissing that the absolute bottom line is self-imposed moderation: eating less meat (the human body only needs 1-2 lbs week)  and buying cosmetics not experienced on animals. All  actions derive from the metaphilosophy of the self. Every time we  neglect to comprehend our own motives and purposes in life it does  affect society in a big way.

Your Taxes Are Funding a Secret,  Multibillion-Dollar Government Enterprise That Tortures and Kills Tens  of Millions of Animals Every Year

Last week—following criticism from bipartisan Congress members, citizens, press, and advocacy groups like the White Coat Waste Project,  a nonprofit that seeks to eliminate cruel, wasteful and unnecessary  taxpayer-funded animal testing—the U.S. Department of Agriculture began to reverse course  on its unjustifiable animal welfare database blackout. It started by  restoring documents about government and other animal laboratories. This  is a crucial resource, but we’re still fighting systemic government  transparency failures about $15 billion in wasteful taxpayer-funded  experimentation on dogs and other animals.   A beagle confined in standard caging in a U.S. laboratory awaits his eventual torture and death. Federal  agencies subjected more than 1,100 dogs to experiments in 2015 alone.  An estimated 100 million animals are tortured and killed by agencies  across the nation each year. .....  The NIH laments that 90 percent of drugs  that work in animal tests fail in humans because they are dangerous or  ineffective. In the agency’s current Strategic Plan, it writes, "animal  models often fail to provide good ways to mimic disease or predict how  drugs will work in humans, resulting in much wasted time and money while  patients wait for therapies." Still, 47 percent of the agency’s $32  billion budget is spent on animal experiments. MORE: February 22, 2017,

Factory animal farms produce meat through routine torture and environmental destruction

 Public and environmental health is being severely threatened through the  institution of animal factory farming, which pollutes our water, air,  soil and even our bodies with harmful chemicals and pollutants.  Corporations now have taken over the practice of family farming and have  developed cost-saving mass-production strategies that are not only  dangerous to public health, but are also cruel to the animals being  processed.... Animal factories, also known as large confined animal feeding operations  (CAFOs), go against traditional farming practices by treating the  animal simply as a machine or production unit. These farms are more like  an assembly line system of animal harvesting than anything resembling a  genuine farm or ranch. "Factory farming has taken the joy out of  the lives of millions of calves and pigs, and billions of hens; it has  driven countless family farmers off the land; it has polluted streams  and rivers; it has injected massive amounts of antibiotics and other  drugs into the public food supply resulting in serious health risks. It  has lowered food quality," says Christine Stevens, author of the book Factory Farming, The Experiment That Failed. ...  In fact, an estimated 13.5 million pounds of antibiotics are used on  factory farm animals every year in the U.S.  These antibiotics are  grossly overused and are especially dangerous because they aid in the  development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria -- an urgent health problem  that costs the American taxpayers billions of dollars every year.   MORE:

(to be continued: The Commerce Of War)


 The Problem With Power VS The Zero-Sum Game Economy |  Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization  |   |  Decentralization At Odds With A Deadly Paradigm. We Cannot Have It Both Ways!  |  The fear of the possibility of Chaos is the fear of true Freedom! |  What Happens When Materialism Hijacks And Betrays Our Minds | Part 2 Of The Freedom Series |  The Merging Of Science And Spirituality Series: Corporations  Are Holographic Projections |  The Merging Of Science And Spirituality Series: Let's Talk Of Our Millennia Old and Generational PTSD |  Reality Is Realistic: The Science Of Vibration Will Redefine Spirituality, That The Fundamentalists And Atheists Like It Or Not |  The Brave New World Is HERE! Scientists Will do Whatever It Takes To Protect Their Paychecks  |  The Monetary Paradox: Blood Inc, The Next Booming Market ?The super rich are injecting blood from teenagers

We cannot resolve the  problem with the same mindset that created it.     

Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call  for  the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote conflict resolutions. Different but not new, because  such concepts were  already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys to grasp  the unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power  structures,  and  as how to overcome them as well. Mainstream Psychology is on its  death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way ahead of the curve, and  if  it takes one generation for a money-free   society  to take shape, that  shouldn't prevent anyone from taking   action, and  using money to  spread  the word until a critical mass  (20%  of   population) is  reached.  Please do not hesitate to visit our website and forum    

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting such important topics and spreading the aims of the Earth Custodians

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