The Monetary Paradox: Blood Inc, The Next Booming Market ?The super rich are injecting blood from teenagers

Monetarism knows no bound: the monetization of Life is the hugest problem in our 3D reality and it would not be surprising at all if it this becomes eventually another "wall street cash cow". Never assume that people can refrain themselves when money is involved. They will do the the craziest things for it. Most never saw anything wrong with borrowing the future. The irony would be that teenagers begin to sell their blood instead of pilling on student loans. Maybe we'll see soon ads from private donors popping up all over in a near future? 

All traded in cryptocurrencies? Moreover, how many people will not hesitate to take on a loan to get it? 

Soon it may be common to hear of  a millionaire in a private jet flying with his medical team to get a transfusion from a donor living 1000s of miles away. There is going to a lot money to be made soon. 

But what if the theory is confirmed and that it is found out that transfusions from children work even better??? Will parents start negotiating their kids' blood transfusion? 

We can trust that synthetic blood will never be the same as the 'real one'. Just like organ  transplants, organs from death people fail within 5 years or so while organs from living donors last up to 15-20 years. No wonder that now even organs and human trafficking are a massive illegal trade  more lucrative than hard drugs. We can bet that this template might soon become the model for blood transfusion!

 ‘If you’re a millennial, you might have felt for a while now that older generations are out to suck us dry. To their Ying of affordable housing, secure jobs and actual pensions,  we seem to have the Yang of six-figure car garages for homes, ‘gigs’  for jobs, and a retirement age that like a mirage on the horizon, seems  to get further away the closer you get to it. Avocados on toast aside, it’s pretty clear that Yang is not doing well in this relationship. But the bloodsucking appears to have become a whole lot more literal. Because the super-wealthy are now pumping themselves with the blood  of young people in an attempt to prevent themselves from ageing.......   The new treatment comes on the back of several studies over the last 17  years in which Stamford researchers have shown the joining of  circulatory systems (known as parabiosis) between old and young mice to  be effective in rejuvenating organs, muscles and stem cells. Additionally, a study last year found that the plasma of young people itself had a rejuvenating effect when injected into older mice........ Over 100 people have participated in a clinical trial at a San  Francisco start-up offering blood transfusions for older patients. Each  procedure costs $8,000 (£6,200) and sees the patient injected with two  and a half litres of plasma – the liquid element of blood that remains  after other cells have been removed – taken from young people.’    “It  could help improve things such as appearance or diabetes or heart  function or memory. These are all the aspects of ageing that have a  common cause.  “I’m not really in the camp of saying this will provide immortality but I think it comes pretty close, essentially.”MORE   Read more: The super rich are injecting blood from teenagers to gain ‘immortality’ 

The First Human Clinical Trial of Synthetic Blood Will Begin Soon. People could receive artificial blood transfusions as early as 2017

For decades researchers have been trying to  make fake blood to feed shortages, treat people with diseases like  sickle cell anemia and even study diseases carried by bloodsucking mosquitoes. Now a candidate for synthetic blood will be tested in the United Kingdom in the first trial of its kind, as James Gallagher reports for BBC.......  

Blood substitutes don’t aim to replace real  blood, they simply fill one of bloods’ roles: transporting oxygen. Some  do this by just mimicking hemoglobin. Others are entirely novel,  synthetic oxygen carriers. To do that, researchers will need to scale up  the technology, as Colin Barras notes for New Scientist.  Read more:


The 'Inner Revolution' Series: Deluge Of Chemical Pollutants Is  Annihilating Us |  The AI Paradox: Ready To Die To Attain Immortality And The Only Move Possible To Save Humanity |  Decentralization At Odds With A Deadly Paradigm. We Cannot Have It Both Ways! |  Living Geometry Does Matter Because It Represents The Building Blocks of Life! |  The Monetary Paradox: Why Staying healthy Costs More. Are You Buying Organic? Do The Math! |  The Problem With Power VS The Zero-Sum Game Economy | and more

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT:  For  Earth Custodians, the main concern is to address  the subjective  distortion liking value to health. Such a widespread  consensus must be  rejected at all cost, literally. Paying more  to stay healthy is eugenics  in disguise. That would mean the  legalization of being coerced into  suicide if one cannot afford it. Every time we don't stand up for ourselves, we should keep in mind that we  encourage speculation. The monetization of  the gift of life   is what led us to the brink in the first place. A social structure putting emphasis on ‘Life First’ understands that the natural law of   C.A.R.E is key to establish and achieve a peaceful society. Paying to   have the right to live is an aberration caused by the mindset that  money  buys freedom and that borrowing our future buys prosperity.  

Ready for 'mindset transitioning'? Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization

Please check out  the other blogs about  the many side  effects of monetarism,  and keep doing your home work, find out for  yourself.  The   truth is out  there, really! Keep always in mind that  there only  is ONE   AND SOLE conspiracy, that of knowledge vs  ignorance, and which    translates in many flavors and fashions 

Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call     for   the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote   conflict   resolutions. Different but not new, because  such concepts   were already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys to grasp   the   unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power   structures,  and  as how to  overcome them as well. Mainstream  Psychology is on its   death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way ahead  of the curve, and if  it takes one generation for a money-free society  to take shape, that  shouldn't prevent anyone from taking action, and  using money to spread  the word until a critical mass (20% of  population) is reached.     

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