Maybe Asimov was right

Its been some years now since the first time I read a book by Asimov, but it seems more and more like most of the ideas that he shared with us all those years ago were more premonitions than anything else. If you are not familiar with his work, do yourself a a favor and pick up one of his books, there is absolutely no way you won't become a fan.

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I don't know many that would say negative things about this author and for years after getting myself acquainted with this work I spoke about his ideas with almost anybody who would listen. It's not because I had fallen to some sort of intelectual worship as many do, but because in his own way, using sci-fi he had been predicting the social behaviors to come long before we understood the parameters at play.

There is a specific book that comes to mind when reflecting on the direction of our social interactions. The Naked Sun is in my opinion a must read for absolutely anyone who cares about the social struggles to come. The idea of the society depicted on the story is one that has completely moved away from normal social interactions, human contact and has replaced much of its functions and jobs with automation.

It becomes obvious that my concerns are warranted, the books might have been written before the time of the internet, before we had the slightest idea that cell phones would even exist on everyone's hand and pocket, but the logic behind it, the path forward and the things to come, seem to be obeying his grim premonitions.

I'm not trying to sound fatalistic, but some of the challenges to come are quite impossible to ignore. In my opinion we should all start thinking about these issues today to avoid a social implosion in the near, near future. If we solely rely on social interactions of the virtual kind, to the point of achieving undeniable lack of balance, how could we, how should we counteract its repercussions?

At the expense of sounding dramatic, its alarming to me to know that more and more people of the new generation feel that comfortable with social isolation. It's not like I don't understand the need for safety, the solace in selective interactions, I totally do.... I just don't know the long term costs... none of us do.

(signature by @bembelmaniac )

● Open Mic Week 82 - Meno - Top 5 Picks and Honorable Mentions
● Maybe Asimov was right
● Knock, Knock...
● Loyalty and the love of money

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