Is It Possible To Give A Gift To Everyone We Meet? And My Original Poem “I Have A Gift For You”

When we look at the word “gift”, a lot of us would say that we do not have much to give. That is because we tend to define gift only in its physical form. In reality the gifts that we can give take many forms. My contention is when we behave in a kind, respectful and considerate manner towards those that we encounter daily, this is our gift to them. We should always remember the golden rule “Treat others as you would like to be treated”. In some cases, the non-physical gifts that you give maybe more precious than the physical gifts. So remember, the next time you encounter someone, you can give him a gift.

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I will try to list out some ways that we can give a gift to others. This list is not comprehensive and I have put it in the form of a poem.

I Have A Gift For You

I have a gift for you
A smile to brighten your day
A hug for a pick you up
Praise for your work done
Appreciation for your presence
Compliments for your looks and actions
A listening ear for your thoughts
Consolation for your woes
Encouragement when you feel dishearten
A light when you get lost
Giving way when you are in a hurry
A helping hand to lighten your burdens
My physical presence to comfort you
Greetings of peace to bless your day
And not forgetting
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So you can actually give a gift for those you meet online as well. Do share with us in the comments section what gifts you can give to others.

Do check out my previous posts

Since Life Is Full Of Uncertainties Anyway, Why Do We Fear Uncertainties Instead Of Embracing Them
Simplified Series: Introduction To Industry 4.0
Since Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life, What Will You Do Differently Today

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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