Since Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life, What Will You Do Differently Today? All Answers In The Comment Section Will Be Up-Voted.

The above is a very personal question which I will try to answer with a poem and my reflections.

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Today I resolve to change
I will take the time to be still
To be silent and just mediate
In order to know God more intimately

Today I will give more of myself
To whoever I may meet
For it is in giving
I receive the gifts that life offers me

Today I will try not to judge
Rather I will try to understand
To be more accepting of myself and others
Allowing myself and others to be who they are

Today I will be more mindful of the choices I make
For the consequences will affect me and others
I will be aware of all my actions
For I sow what I reap

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My Reflection

I think that I have put myself into a spot by asking a thought provoking question which I try to answer honestly. For me, the most important word in the question is "today". This is because many a times, I did not appreciate the power of and practice the awareness of the present moment.

Where I am today is the result of my past choices and actions. So to some extend, the position that I am in today is the reward or punishment received for what I have done and what I have failed to do. Nevertheless I will try to accept the present moment as it is. I take full responsibility for my situation and this means I will not blame myself or others for the situation that I am in.

The question is also purposely framed in such a way to remind myself and others what we do or fail to do today will impact our future. The present moment is as it is and we cannot change it. But that does not mean that we cannot change our future. Therefore, if there is any aspect of my present situation which I like to improve, I know that I have the power to change it . I sincerely hope that my sharing will inspire you to take bold actions today to build the future that you desire.

To stimulate more discussion on this subject, I will up-vote any answers to the above question which are written in the comments section. Please note that I will up-vote only answers but not comments like "nice post" or "thanks for sharing". At the same time, I urged you to resteem this post so that more people can be provoked into taking action today to improve their lives.

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Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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