Query 20 - Maintaining Balance When Dealing with Chaotic People


Question by @ameliabartlett
I am in the midst of a tumultuous, developmental time. Any guidance to help me balance being at peace in the chaos with staying connected to those who are part of the chaos. IE, not isolating myself or shutting them out to maintain my own homeostasis.

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Science Tarot: From top to bottom clockwise - Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Cups, Devil, Knight of Pentacles, Justice, Tower.

I cast The Star of David hexagram spread as discussed in this recent post. Each vertex of the hexagram corresponds to a particular planetary energy that corresponds to a sephira on The Tree of Life in Qabalah.

I cast a Rune in the central position representing the Sun; in this context it represents your personality/ego/energy you should emit, so lets start there..

The Rune that was cast in the Sun position is Sowilo, which actually symbolizes the Sun. Out of the 24 Runes in existence, we cast the ONE that perfectly corresponds to the Sun. because of this synchronicity, you should take particular note of this part of the reading.

The cards are suggesting here to be like the Sun in how you manage your affairs; where you are at the center of your solar system and properly managing your universe by emitting your light/thoughts/energy out to shaping the reality you want to create.

Also inherent in this approach that in line with Sowilo is a proactive and assertive approach to managing your boundaries with chaos. Your question hits a soft spot with me because I am perpetually creating order out of chaos in every aspect of my life. I have worked on numerous projects with a wide variety of personalities, and this is how I manage chaotic personalities when I do not the energy reserve to be effected by their noise:

I simplify the interaction by creating a pattern of communication. I have to interact with person X for Z amount of time to exchange information on Y. If anything delineates from that intent of mutual interest, it reveals itself as potential noise or noise, and then I manage that variable accordingly by redirecting the interaction back to a constructive purpose.

My point is, by embracing the Solar energy of Sowilo , you become more of an effector more than one who is effected, and can better manage, quarantine, or change what you want to experience. The Devil is in the position of Netzach, which affirms the challenging and Devilish nature of these chaotic individuals in relation to you. So tame those Devils into civility when they enter your domain!

I understand this is easier said than done. It takes practice.

Riddle me this: Why is this a more common problem amongst women than men? (I have had a number of women ask me questions similar to this. Men do not seem to have this problem.

Which brings us to Justice, in the position of the Mercury/Gemini-like space of Hod in the Hexagram. Justice here is suggesting a readjustment of the mental scales towards a little more masculine energy in your approach; much like the masculine solar aspect as hinted by the presence of Sowilo. This is further supported by the 4 of Cups being in the position of Chesed, which suggests the ideal of being emotionally unaffected by these interactions. In other words, do not let them get under your skin. Because when they do, they get fed, and it is best to starve the Trolls. The Page of Wands is in the position of Yesod, which in this reading reinforces the Sowilo strategy with an emphasis on being confident, courageous and creative in the face of chaos.

The significance of the Tower in the position of Geburah could indicate that Truth may be your most potent weapon to set people in line. What might happen if you were to speak more Truth to Power in these situations?

And finally.... The Wheel of Fortune to represent the position of Divinity; the plane 'above' having an influence on you. This looks like a friendly reminder that this is likely just karmic shit you have to work through that your soul needs to evolve.

This is the mindset of a Roman Emperor who had to maintain balance while being surrounded by chaotic people on a daily basis:

“When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.”
-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

In conclusion, the Tarot and Runes are suggesting to incorporate more elements of the Sun in your personality by creating structured interactions with chaotic individuals to minimize experiencing negativity from people who knock you off balance. Be proactive in directing the interactions towards the accomplishment of mutual interests (thereby reconciling the opposing forces of order and chaos). Like Mr. Aurelius, he clearly understood that to obstruct each other is not natural and influenced people to work together in a synergistic manner like different parts of a body.

These are very tricky situations that can be challenging to Master, keep practicing and study those who have mastery in these areas. (I invite people to suggest good candidates to study in the comment section.) This topic really hits me in more ways that I can express in a blog post.


If I were you I would contemplate and meditate on the Sowilo Rune and maybe even get a piece of jewelry or art to have around as a reminder. It would function as an 'emotional battery of strength.'

I did a recent reading for @violetflame where the Tarot suggested she tap in to solar energies. That reading is relevant to this one, and can be read here.

Question to the audience: What are your favorite examples of people who have kept peace and balance while dealing with chaotic individuals?

Comments on General Patterns in the Reading

Star of David planetary hexagram.

Out of the six cards that were cast, this is the general pattern that emerged:
4 were Major Aranas - Wheel of Fortune, Devil, Justice, Tower
1 court card - Page of Wands
1 cup - 4 of Cups
You also got the two 'most menacing' cards in the deck that freak a lot of Querents out when they see it (Tower & Devil)... and this is a good example of these cards popping up on benign contexts.

Newcomers can read my introduction post here.



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