Hiding in the Crowd :: Beautiful Japan #48

Sometimes even the best of us just want to disappear in the crowd and be invisible for awhile.


No idea what these things are. There wasn’t any sign that I could find. They were just set up next to the omikuji bad wishes trap. More on that in another post. The only thing that comes to mind is maybe they are snakes, one of the zodiac animals, but I have nothing to base that guess on except for the fact that they do look somewhat like zodiac snakes often do.

Maybe the shrine priest was just playing with his toys again.

At any rate, at first I focused on the front row and snapped a shot, but then I thought that was kind of boring; to make it more interesting I decided to focus a row back. I’ve remember reading in psych class in college that one of the main appeals for many people of larger cities is the anonymity, that it is super easy to get lost in and hide in large crowds. I think that is what they guy is doing. You can see it on his face.

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Don't miss the other great photos in the Beautiful Japan photo series!

#1–10 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #1
#11–20 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #2
#21–30 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #3
#31–40 — Beautiful Japan, Collection #4
#41 — Cherry Blizzard
#42 — House in the Sky
#43 — Explosive Clouds
#44 — Angry Sky
#45 — Autumn Reflections
#46 — Bliss of the Blossoms
#47 — Flight of the Birds

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I post one photo everyday, as well as a haiku and as time allows, videos, more Japanese history, and so on. Let me know if there is anything about Japan you would like to know more about or would like to see.

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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