How To Achieve A Pitch Black Background For Your Pic Using A Smartphone


Have you ever taken pics at night? Yes, these are basically night shots..uhmmm... dusk shots - more of that :D. Ones, I took in some cold nights I had to throw the green trash and take a few agonizing steps towards the green trashcan in front of the sycamore tree in the far end side of my backyard. Why agonizing? It's bloody cold here at night!



Yes, some of these flowers are still in bloom in my garden, except for the sunflower and can you guess what else? - they caught mildew so I had to let them go. The rest have their petals scorched from the frost. The funny part is some of them are still budding.


In the Philippines, I have friends who have studios where they use backdrafts to take a person or a thing's pic. If it would be any value to you, I just took these pics at dusk and used my phone's flash. For some reasons, the pics turned out like so.


I wonder what the effect would have looked like had I taken them after dusk. This is how they turned out. The pic showed more details so I guess it's better to use the flash at dusk. 'course, you could also just edit the rest and remove the details you don't want to show on the pics but that would take time I suppose.



By the way, I set it on "turn on flash" cause if it's just set on "auto flash" the pics would turn out like these.




Can you identify any of these flowers? Shout it out in the comment. I also just found out the photography chat channel is set on "read room only" for me because the other people can actually send their posts in. Anyone can explain why that is? EDIT : Everything's sorted now.

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my Samsung A3 .

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