My Tiny Garden - Streptocarpus

Another one of my creations. I mentioned about other two that I grew from seeds after cross pollinating two colour in this post.

This one here is one of my favorite though. Such gorgeous intensive navy blue and nicely rounded petals. Gorgeous! I will have to think of something nice to name it now.

Streptocarpus navy blue 1.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/20, 1/200, 105mm, ISO200)/

The buds before they open are pretty cool too. When they start to open is like liitle hungry mouth waiting to be fed :p

Streptocarpus navy blue bud.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/20, 1/200, 105mm, ISO200)/

Streptocarpus navy blue 2.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/20, 1/200, 105mm, ISO200)/

Previously on My Tiny Garden

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