Maldives Trip Day 4 - The Jellyfish Monster


Its the last dive of the day.. I skipped the second dive. Why do you ask? After all that excitement with the sea turtle? Well it was weird.. as soon as you return from the first dive you dry off and you get breakfast. By that time you have always built up quite an appetite and you end up wolfing down your breakfast. On this day however it didn't go down right. I immediately felt ill after breakfast and even a lie down didn't help. So I skipped the next dive (which was a manta cleaning station) and took some time to rest and recuperate. After all, we had really been pushing ourselves the day before .. and I know my limits.. after I've reached them cough.


So we continue the adventure on the last dive of the day! This one was once more a a big reef wall with crazy overhangs. the cool thing about these places is that even though there is a lot of dead coral on the reefs at the moment, on the underside of the overhangs there is tones of coral life thriving and its amazing to see it growing upside down like that. Its also fun to swim underneath the overhangs..


OMG Selfie! Yes, it doesn't happen often, but here is me. By this point in the trip I had received several messages from my mother badgering me for a selfie (I always take pictures of everything else and never myself) so I decided to oblige her. I think I look like I am shocked about something in this photo.


Like I said before, the overhangs are fun to swim under and they add atmosphere to photos!


There was a slight current too so you didn't really need to do any swimming you kind of just floated there and watched the scenery go by.


Of course this meant that every time I looked behind me to see what my dad was doing he was floating there in a different position. I don't know if that was coincidental or if he was just amusing himself. Sometimes I can't tell.


But you didn't click on the link for this post to hear about my dad's silly shenanigans or see my ugly mug fill your screen.. No.. you want to hear about THE MONSTER FROM THE ABYSS. Ok it was just a jellyfish but it was awesome .. and huuuuuge. Like, two watermelons squeezed together huge.. um. that sounds dirty.. sorry. OK IF you took two watermelons and combined them, the resulting mass/size is roughy how big this Jellyfish was.


It was an amazingly weird thing to see. The front was bright blue and the back was a bright yellow.. Its such a shame the colours don't really come out very well on the video but I realised to my detriment very shortly before going on the trip that red light filter (which you need in the water) for the gopro session4 dont actually fit with underwater housings for the camera.. though they do if you buy a gopro hero. go figure.

Biology lesson.. those weird shapes on the front of the jellyfish that looks like a colony of dicks (sorry but they look like dicks!)? Those are apparently glands that produce gas for the Jellyfish to control its buoyancy. I produce plenty of gas too, but its never helped my buoyancy in the water. Its probably for the best.

Check out the video of the dive here, with a pretty sweet close encounter with this alien monster looking jellyfish:

Exciting no? Well the day didn't end there.. oh no! Today is a special day, its the halfway marker of the trip which means a beach bbq! My friends know how I feel about bbqs and by the third day of the trip, so did most of the people on the boat. I have been looking forward to the beach bbq all week!


And this is where it takes place! A quiet, private, deserted island where everyone gets a bit of a break from being on the boat including the crew!


Its a beautiful tiny little island with nothing on it but palm trees and sand (and a deserted hut).


That's some postcard quality stuff right there. I love a good tropical beach with palm trees and things. Though after a few days at sea it did feel a little weird to be on land again.


So while we waited for the grills to be setup we explored the island (which took 5 minutes).


Then played some volleyball and messed around with a soccer ball..


..drank some beers and watched the sunset, which happened to set right behind the boat. That made for some nice photos.


Then it was time to eat! There were all kinds of bbq goodies and I probably at too much, but I didn't care as I knew I'd swim it off the next day! It was a lovely evening and instead of recording it with photos and notes and such for blogging, I put my camera down and socialised. It was nice to take the time to get to know the other people on the boat. They were all such lovely people. Of course as it frequently occurs, some people drank a little too much, a bet was lost and someone had to run naked from the dinner table into the sea... and NO it was not me.

Check out the previous posts in this series:
1.Maldives Trip - Day 1: The Epic Journey Begins!
2.Maldives Trip - Day 1: The Boat
3.Maldives Trip Day 2 - Looking for Manta Rays
4.Maldives Trip - Day 2 - Shark Encounter
5.Maldives Trip Day 3 - Reef Exploration
6.Maldives Trip Day 3 - Things don't go to plan
7.Maldives Trip Day 4 - Sea Turtle Sighting!

!steemitworldmap 3.762987 lat 72.757199 long Maldives Trip Day 4 - The Jellyfish Monster D3SCR

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