ColorChallenge - Cerinthe - Saturday's Indigo

I'm always surprised when I find gaps in Wikipedia -- and this flower is one of those gaps. It's Cerinthe major, also known as Honeywort, the Blue Shrimp Plant, or the Pride of Gibraltar. Wikipedia's entry begs off by saying "Cerinthe is a poorly studied genus of vascular plants..."

xtsu DSC05840-1 WEB.jpg
Sony DSC-RX-10, 9-73mm f/2.8 @ 9m, 1/500 sec, f/4, ISO 125

I'm not sure why this information gap exists. This pretty plant has been part of cottage gardens for a long time - and isn't hard to grow. This portrait is from a big patch that self-seeds and thrives with little care in a parking lot median at my local Post Office. The bees like them a lot!

The indigo color of the leaves develops when the night-time temperatures are cool, but changes to a silvery green with warmer weather. They grow about 2 feet tall and hold up well in a vase if they are kept hydrated right after they are cut.

Do you grow Cerinthe? If you know more about it, Wikipedia needs you! And I would appreciate learning more about your experience with the pretty plant in the comments below!

Here are some other flower portraits that you may like, from earlier this week: Do Red Roses Taste Better? // Can I Eat Any Rose? // This Rose is Worth Eating! // True Blue Lobelia // Big World for a Little Snail

** Haphazard Homestead **

*** foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land ***

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