Sharing Sheffield Street Art in Celebration of the Upcoming Sheffield Meet Up!

At the end of September a few Steemians from Sheffield will be getting together to discuss world politics drink beer and have a laugh.

I'm really looking forward to meeting the likes of
@tumutanzi, and

Wait, I already live with @fulcanelli. :)

If anyone reads this who is in the South Yorkshire area please come along!!

Here's a post with the meet up details: Sheffield Steemit Meet Up

For anyone who doesn't know Sheffield, it's a green and hilly city in the UK. Home of world snooker, the oldest existing football club and Henderson's Relish.

Also the motherland of Jelly Babies, Tetley's tea, Polo mints and Terry's chocolate orange.

And as a little nod to the Sheffield Steemians and Sheffield in general, I thought I would share some pictures I've taken of local Sheffield street art.

There's a lot of this stuff here, and it's bloody brilliant.

This is a gorgeous piece of art work - my photo really doesn't do it justice. And yes, there is a road here called 'Snuff Mill Lane'. :)

This is just a small part of a much larger mural, I wish I could have captured it all in one shot but it wasn't possible.

There seems to be a bit of a craze here of painting funny creatures onto any of the bollards around Abbeydale Road which is near where I live.

Here, as you can see, Hilda Ogden has been immortalised forever. And rightly so.

This is one of my favourite street photography photos that I've ever taken. I loved that this lady looked back at me just as I was taking the picture. Sheffield street artists seem fond of painting very large people on the walls in the city centre.

Finally, this dashing butterfly is gracing a wall right around the corner from my house. There are also birds and flowers painted next to it, but the orange of the butterfly really caught my eye.

all photos by @johleen

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it!! Don't forget to come along to the meet up if you're near Sheffield!

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...caught out behind the shed having a j

Follow me, @johleen if you like the kind of stuff I do. If you don't, then don't!!

Much love!

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