Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Part 5

I took a lot of photos but not even as much as John, so stay tuned as there are many more photo posts to come probably over the next week or so.

This spiky tree is cool and intimidating. They broke the thorns off the path side of the tree, which was probably smart of aloof visitors.

Water Lilies!

These orchids near the gift shop were barely started last time we were here, I was excited to see the difference. Eventually I'll grow orchids...eventually.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Part 4
Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffles Food Porn
Fermenting Adventures: First Batch of Saurkraut

Check out the other posts on this!
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Part 3
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Part 2
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Part 1

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