The main Altar...(Saint-James Church Part III of VI)

I love churches, I don’t know why, but when I see a church or a cathedral I can’t resist to enter and take pictures. I suppose it has something to do with the weight of history you feel in there. I love to contemplate the art-works, the graves, the architecture… and in the case of Catholic churches here in Northern Europe I love to think about how people were impressed and fearful for the power of that Catholicism… and how that power declined to almost nothing anymore today…

The city of Antwerpen has 5 so-called monumental churches (including the Cathedral), and from those 5 Saint-James (or Sint Jacob in Dutch) is by far my favourite. It is a late-gothic church with a wonderful baroque interior. Besides a large art collection from Jordaens, Rubens, Van Balen… it also counts no less than 23 altars that you can find in separate chapels that belonged to a number of crafts and corporations like turf bearers, silk treaters or musicians…

But as this post is also about photography here is the first picture where you can see the main altar (for the common people, you and me 😉) and the different chapels on the left and right side. As you can see, the altar is somewhat in the middle of the church… this means there is a lot to see behind it… but you will have to wait till tomorrow to discover it 😂


It’s obvious why you can find paintings from the famous painter Peter Paul Rubens in Saint-James, it was after all his parish church and he lived and worked only about 300m away in his now opened to public Rubens' house. But you can discover even more than his paintings… his grave chapel is also in Saint-james.


I asked if it was possible to already reserve a spot for me but they told me they don’t have chapels for non-famous photographers… 😉

Stay tuned to see the next pictures in this series...
Please, don't forget to resteem if you like this photo adventure... I'm sure others will like it too!

You missed the start the Saint-James adventure?

No stress... just click on the following thumbnails to see the previous pictures in this series...

The Bell Mechanism...(Saint-James Church Part II of VI) The Thing... (Saint-James Church Part I of VI)

Some other series of pictures I shot in Antwerpen...

Want to discover the Central Station in Antwerp? Just click on the thumbnail…

The Stairs... (Central Station part VI of VI) Arches Everywhere... (Central Station part V of VI) Can I buy a ticket here? (Central Station part IV of VI) Where am I ? (Central Station part III of VI)

Angry traveller... (Central Station part II of VI) Entering Antwerpen by Train... (Central Station part I of VI)

I also made a whole series of shots of a bicycle tunnel located in Antwerp in urbex-style. If you are curious to see them just click on the thumbnail to see the original post...

What's inside that tunnel... part VI of VI What's inside that tunnel... part V of VI What's inside that tunnel... part IV of VI What's inside that tunnel... part III of VI

What's inside that tunnel... part II of VI What's inside that tunnel... part I of VI

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