"Winter" in Israel - Sunny Walk in "The Garden of Life"

Yesterday sucked. The weather was stormy, and I had a crap day. It happens. But today the trusty Israeli sun came out, bringing out the colors of the freshly-washed greens under a blue sky. So @mrlightning decided it would do me good to get out of the house a bit and get my shoes muddy. 

The weather was perfect for photography, so we decided to head for the fields on the outskirts of our town, in a small settlement named "Gan Haim" which translates as "Garden of Life".

Click the images to see them in full size. No filters, no editing, I am too lazy for that.

On our way to the fields and groves, we discovered a horse farm, teaching kids to ride. I love horses, and while I only did a few riding lessons, I miss it insanely. So we took a bunch of pictures! And a video!

The horses have their names and information, as well as random facts about horses on the doors of their pens.

And then there was the most adorable and filthy white pony bouncing around I just had to capture on camera.



After I stopped being overly-excited with the existence of equines, we continued toward the fields and groves where we found:

Beautiful views (that's @mrlightning there with the camera):

Fresh oranges:

Juicy and delicious mandarins:

Lots of olive trees:

... And a good workout! 

My fitness band is pleased, and my hands still smell like citrus. Yes, today was better than yesterday.

All photos taken with my trusty LG v10. If you're looking for quality DSLR photos, head over to my husband's post from the same walk.

Check out some of my previous posts!

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