Rachelle Even Closer Portraits - My Own Photography Work


As I've said before portraits are my favourite type of photography (and also painting).  There is something very pleasing to the eye about an image which gives prominence to the face and I think this is probably related to our innate ability to recognise faces from a very young age.

Following my previous similar post here are some more closeup portraits of Rachelle.  

These kind of portraits take longer to retouch because of the closeness of the shot necessitating very careful work so I haven't had time to try an black and white comparisons.  

I quite like these in colour though.

The Photos






Let me know what you think of the shots as always.  Also if there are any particular questions you have or technique you would like me to discuss or explain please feel free to ask - I could do a new tutorial or just answer in the comments if there is enough space.

If you like my work please follow me and check out my blog (I don't just discuss photography) -  @thecryptofiend 

I have also created a new channel in the chat dedicated to photography of people/portraits called "Photography-portraits-people".  Please check it out and post your photos there.

Technical Information:

  • Nikon D800 Camera.
  • Sigma 85mm/1.8 lens, natural window light with a front reflector.
  • Adobe Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC for processing.
  • The model is Rachelle Summers.

(Verification for me here: http://www.aapicture.com/about-me)

My Previous Photography Posts and Tutorials:

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2 columns
1 column