Mystifact | The More You Know #4 - Human vs. Hydrogen Bomb

Hydrogen bombs are to this date the most powerful nuclear weapons ever detonated. They work by fusing isotopes of hydrogen which releases a lot of energy - but what does this have to do with a human and why are they versus each other?

To answer this question, we must begin by understanding The First Law of Thermodynamics.

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that no matter what the situation is, the total amount of energy put into a system will equal the energy that comes out of the system. This also means that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Relating this to the human body; what happens to the energy it gets from the food it eats? You can either:

  1. Convert some of it to heat which is dissipated from the body - when exercising
  2. Excrete some of it as it is through the digestive system
  3. Convert this energy into a form of storage such as fat
  4. Other forms of dissipation such as for metabolic processes in cells

Let's focus on point number 3. When humans receive too much energy from food; that excess is mainly converted to be stored as fat. In fact, if we counted up the amount of all this stored energy, the average value for a human we get is approximately 7 x 10^11 joules.

But how does this relate to the Hydrogen bomb?

To reiterate, 7 x 10^11 joules is a 7 with 11 0's on the end of it, which is a HUGE number. If this value of energy was released all at once, it would have the same power as 30 hydrogen bombs.

30 hydrogen bombs

That is almost the entire UK destroyed, just if a single human released all his/ her energy at once. Know your limits when you are annoying your friends because if done enough, it can cause a tragedy!

Until next time, take care. Mystifact

Previous 'The More You Know' posts:
The More You Know #1 - How to lose weight if you are 100% desperate
The More You Know #2 - Bees have spidey senses!
The More You Know #3 - The Human Race in a Sugar Cube?

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