A Single Bronze Sandal [Day 29]

Bronze Sandals.png

been walking
slower of late

letting eyes linger
like snow in April

keeping pace
with kicked stones,

Sisyphus is not
in my thoughts;

do we inscribe trees
with our dreams

so they may live forever
even when they end,

or we may live forever
even when we end?

voyeur is the feel
less I tap the bark

no wishes in my hand
and no space on the skin,

Alcestis is not
in my thoughts;

a rubberneck flower
turns, lingers on me

jealousy, a bee in my hair,
or maybe I am the sun.

there is a pond
full of tadpoles

waiting to sing
me to sleep,

Endymion is not
in my thoughts;


jump into your local volcano, kids, it's the only way to become a God.

written for @uniwhisp's Carols of Contentment, a continuation of her current Steemotion contest and MSP show which airs Fridays, 8pm UTC.

Written for free-verse poetry maven @d-pend's revolutionary poetry initiative The 100 Day Poetry Challenge [Advanced Group] undertaken for Steemit School where @d-pend will be hosting a daily poetry show at 5 PM GMT.

thank you for the read
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