"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you."
- C. S. Lewis -
I'm late to last week's 50-word party,
but I'm posting this poem nonetheless, after having agonized over it for a long, long time.
From the moment I laid eyes on the prompt word, I knew what this short piece needed to deal with.
"Drowning in guilt." - Image courtesy of nikko macaspac
by Duncan Cary Palmer
Noble, come what may,
Honesty discloses truth:
Disgusting feet of clay.
Searching for a remedy,
To genuflect I'm driven.
"God, be merciful to me,
I needs must be forgiven!"
Relieved of this relentless guilt
My soul, profoundly riven,
Now looks up in gratitude:
I have been forgiven.
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