Stubborn Scarecrow :: Haiku of Japan #40

miyuki ni mo amigasa nuganu kagashi kana

even to the emperor
he will not lift his hat
the scarecrow

(Tr. David LaSpina)

(Print by Hiroshige)

As today, the emperor at the time had no power. The Shogun used him to claim legitimacy, but then kept him more or less a prisoner, controlling his every move. This may be some of the reason behind the compassionate feelings the Japanese hold towards emperor. Even if such things were not required, many would gladly show deference by bowing and removing their hats. Here however, we have a show of defiance from the stubborn scarecrow. Something we all perhaps can learn from.

Don't miss other great haiku in the Haiku of Japan series!

#1–10 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #1
#11–20 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #2
#21–30 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #3
#31 — Am I a Butterfly or a Man?
#32 — Hidden Grey Hair
#33 — Sleeping Butterfly
#34 — Never To Grow Old
#35 — From Dog to Cat
#36 — Short Night
#37 — Silent Moon
#38 — Temple Pine Needles
#39 — Nothing and Everything

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Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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