The 'Naked Posts' Series: The Ghost of You 💔

I'm stripping myself of the heartache, of the burning pain that visits me in the night.

It starts here.

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I had a dream about you last night. It tortuously tore at my heart strings, dragging up old burned memories from the ashes of the past.

As I lay my head down on the familiar, soft embrace of the pillow below,
It must have sent memories trickling through my veins of the times you used to hold my hand in between your strong palms as you pulled me closer, tighter...

Explosions fired off in my heart like sparks, jumping around in excitement.

I could see your hair, perfectly whisked back, the texture, the color, the way it reminded me of those preppy football players you see in the movies…

I remember my hands being tussled in it, entangling themselves in the strands, feeling their way to the top of your neck, on the edge of fur and skin, my fingerprints embedding themselves into the moment.

In this dream, you wouldn’t come near enough for the snowball to build. In my dream, I watched you from afar.

Like a stranger in the night shadows, I hid behind whatever would protect me from the radiance of the moonlight and I watched over you, wondering, wishing, regretting…

In this dream you were just as you are, perfectly recreated to torture my senses.

You lived in a beautiful house you had built from the fire in your strong hands… those strong hands….

It was dark but for a light in the kitchen hanging from the ceiling. You were asleep, dreaming peacefully… how I wish you would dream of me.

Beside you where I used to have a place was a new model, someone picked off the shelf fresh, someone who hadn’t battled and scorned you like I had…

Her beautiful golden hair sprawled out across the pillows and into your side, your nose sat gently above it, never minding.

I remember you used to stop moments in their tracks and smell my hair as those strong hands came up from the sides of my ears, lifting me into your grasp and urging me to your lips….

But that was then..

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My deepest feelings have floated through my fingers here...

I am passionate about writing, I love the way emotions can mold themselves into words and those words can produce images in our minds, tethering together stories of another's life. What beauty that is!

I know this is a little bit different than what I normally post, but true to form, I always enter my keyboard with an open mind, a open heart and see what happens!

I have been doing a lot of what we call self work and I've found all of these emotions and memories trapped inside the deepest areas of my body and the darkest corners of my mind.

This is my release, as I let these images turn into words and back again, I let them go like white doves into the sky, letting my heart be free of all the heart break locked inside!

Thank you for hearing my heart!
(Heartbreak comes oh-too-naturally for someone with a big heart like me!)
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We all have scars, secrets and burns within us. Let the power of passion free our hearts!

Do what you love, say what you feel and don't be afraid to be vulnerable!

My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion. Here are some of my recent additions:

💁Want a FREE Steemit Assistant to Make Your Life MUCH Easier?💁
Your dream has come true- check it out!!

🌎 I Can Show You the World🌎
🛶Come Kayaking With Me in Crystal Clear Blue Waters of Maldives!
🎨 Wall Art Mind Tricks in Bali!

🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy recipes!🍴
🍊Fruits to Make You Feel Your Best!
🍫Go Coco-NUTS for Homemade Creamy, Fudgy Chocolate Bars!
🍝 Mouth Watering, Creamy Cashew Alfredo Pasta Sauce!
🍞 The Ultimate Loaded Breakfast Sandwiches
🍝 The Best Raw Pasta

Hope to see you again soon!
Sending you love!

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