[POEM] - Darkness Allure | Original Poem for those who face the Darkness everyday <3

I wrote a poem for you all to enjoy.

I hope you enjoy these words.
For those who face Darkness everyday.
Shine your light down below in the comments.

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Darkness Allure

The Darkness is coming,
so stay in the Light.
Still your hearts center,
fear not the long Night.

Light a small fire,
to warm your Soul.
The Night is relentless,
charges a high Toll.

You can try to Resist,
and cling to the Light,
but all there is Flees,
flees out of all Sight.

The Darkness is here,
temper testing your mettle.
Your subconscious recoils,
from all there's to settle.

Take a deep breath now
your inner light is Pure.
Darkness only reaches those,
who buy into false Allure.

If you like poetry, why not check out some of my content for some inspiration.

Here ya go, enjoy!

Check out my previous poems!
1 - Moonlight Butterfly
2 - Dandelion Seeds
3 - Abberation
4 - Thief's Song
5 - Queen of Tranquility
6 - Ascension Over Grand Symphonic Omega
7 - Sail into the Sunset of Life's Final Conclusion
8 - Kiss Goodnight
9 - Antique Jewelry Box
10 - Offering to the Seas
11 - Mary-Jane's Trees Shade my Day


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