Cherry Blossoms from Heaven?

It's Spring in Korea and the streets are filled with flowers.

In my hometown Chicago the sign of Spring is melting snow but in Korea the sign of Spring is flowers on every tree. Can you imagine a little kid running through falling cherry blossoms on a sunny spring day? It is like a dream for them.


Original Poem @mineopoly

Cherry Blossoms from Above

Are cherry blossoms from above?
I look up and see a dormant tree
Begin to smile
As the warm rays of sunlight
Waken its slumber
Winter's phase long forgotten
Spring rains wash away
Dormant arboreal remains
Winds blow the dust away.

Deep down below
The mitosis of elongation
Spreads to tips of roots
Xylem and Phloem tubular
Spring up life to a sleeping branch
Awaken tender shoots unveiling lime green transparency

First the bud and then the petals
A flower awakens to greet the Lord of heaven.
Salutations and happy days to all who sing his praise.

What you see is popcorn for angels
Watching the celestial festival
A pink and white delicacy
But don’t pop one in your mouth.
Not for human consumption.

Join in song with cherubim
But don’t eat the popcorn
Gargoyles look upon it with envy.

Just be content
That when the wind blows again
Pink fluffy popcorn snow blossoms
Make their decent from above.
Pure unblemished white petals
Cover the ground below.

But are cherry blossoms from above?
Ask the roots.
They know.

I skipped 26-27 so this is my 28th poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ Isaiah 40:7

"The grass withers and the flowers fall,
because the breath of the Lord blows on them.
Surely the people are grass."

Mineopoly Quote:

Take root.


Check out my recent post @mineopoly

Poetry is Dead
No Gravity on the Moon
Feynman's Dream
I Feel the Conflict Inside You
In Your Face
Community BINGO
The Universal Soldier

Img 1 source, Img 2 source All other images are public domain at pixabay or original works @mineopoly.


"Have you ever seen cherry blossoms falling down?"

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

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