'Red and Gold Mind Rotter' > Sick Collection of Poems

Robyn Eggs And Toast Presents:



It feels so nice
To have been washed clean
Of the price
I paid to be seen...
(excerpt from "Waterfall")

"Red and Gold Mind Rotter" - Sick Volume 4

Robyn Eggs
with a sprinkling of love...

1rst EDITION. September 24, 2017

Robyn Eggs and Toast
robyneggsandtoast @ gmail.com

Red and Gold Mind Rotter
Sick Volume 4
Copyright © 2017 by Robyn Eggs
All Rights Reserved. Not for reproduction or republication.
*Expressly written permission may be obtained from the publisher (at the above email address) for personal use. A 50 STEEM deposit will be required.

Halloween poems are coming...(see "Shadows Drape")

Table of Contents

  1. Red And Gold Rose
  2. The Mind Rotter
  3. Suicide Or Sex
  4. Never Let My Secrets Seep
  5. Shame
  6. Heart To Heart
  7. Giant Circles
  8. Glass Box
  9. And What Do I
  10. Thoughtless
  11. Spreading the Light
  12. Moon Hung Lower
  13. Waterfall
  14. Broke Open Shell
  15. Love Sonnet
  16. Prepare Yourself
  17. Sprinkle My Left
  18. Shadows Drape
  19. I’ve Always Been Crazy
  20. Red Rose Bushes

Find more archived posts (below)...

No. 1 "Red and Gold Rose"

The black of the unfurling
Growth upon my house
Causes it to crumble
And collapse into the ground
From which will grow
Soon to spread elsewhere
A red and gold rose
To cover the landscape
And remind me of once was
Beautiful and fell to dark
Starting from the foundation
Growing relentlessly
Into a blackened monster
As it reached and charcoaled
The roof of my existence
I could no longer breathe
Drowning as I was
Yet my one hand reached
Through the grave
And became a red and gold rose
by @robyneggs


No. 2 "The Mind Rotter"

Ah, alas
My favorite has disappeared
Swallowed by the great bass
That lives in the sea of the impaired
Whence tripping along the tidy shore
My favorite did fling himself
Amongst the waves’ roar
And was seen nevermore
And why, my favorite
Why slide off the beach?
Were the rocks too sharp?
Did they bite?
And just as I was going to offer you a peach
That I found on the tree of life
A waiting you with its painted cheeks
With all its growing pains and strife
So you are the one lusciousness seeks
Struggling, I do believe,
In the thwarting water
Your mind did conceive
The fish that was the mind rotter
by @robyneggs


No. 3 "Suicide or Sex?"

And what became of my body just now
When I gave it to the one over me
How did I lose myself like that?
Jumping over the ledge of insanity
My mind gave up and let go
I wanted to be rid of the life I led
I didn’t want to be there anymore
So I gave myself up-am I dead?
The sun shines down through the canopy
The trees filtering my plight
To much avail comes the light
Because it makes the ground grow completely
by @robyneggs


No. 4 "Never Let My Secrets Seep"

The sun’s rays are sent down
To draw off one’s face a frown
To place upon one’s head a crown
And so that one may never drown
In the darkness of a town
The moon’s beams may add light
To the weary traveler’s plight
To the reflection of the wolves’ bite
And so that one may come in sight
Of something not willing to fight
The water is mysterious and deep
And many secrets there can keep
For fear the fish may never sleep
There are many benefits to reap
Because the ocean will never steep
Or let my secrets seep
by @robyneggs


No. 5 "Shame"

And waves splash on my breast
As I lie in the white sand
Perhaps it is best
If I reach out my hand
And call to the sun to help
But it won’t come down
As the water covers my shame in kelp
But never lets me drown
by @robyneggs


No. 6 "Heart to Heart"

Forever etched
Is my hand upon you
And my arm outstretched
Ever toward you
In the haziness of what we felt
We were blurred out of reality
Never again to be felt
By cruel reality
Our love was macerated
By the lake of enjoyment
Like empty space filled
Was the feeling of my heart
Out my emotions spilled
From heart to heart
by @robyneggs


No. 7 "Giant Circles"

Giant circles
My dreams
And protect me from
Dark beams
That are encompassed by
Dreary purple
by @robyneggs


No. 8 "Glass Box"

It’s been such a while
Foreboding what will
Become free from the glass box upon
Where few can reach
So long since I let them in
For making sense
Does what?
Sense to you that you understand me
Am I so beyond you?
I am yours all you
Must do is grasp me
From the glass box you can’t
See through
Take me
by @robyneggs


No. 9 "And What Do I?"

And what do I
Do to satisfy you?
I need you!
You have become
Soon ago and left behind
Now do you not see me?
For what do I
Do for your mind?
Do you crave and feel
Something totally unique?
Do you need me?
Do you want me to make you
Hold you, hold me
And hold the world
Do you want to commit to me?
Become us or you
Or me
We’ll hold each other
For long, me and you
Long for me, you
Speak me up and I’ll
Be your child, you’re
Wanting me to be your child
Do they have a name for that?
When falling we hold
Each other
Up, you, me, the world
Become taken up
Help me make us
by @robyneggs


No. 10 "Thoughtless"

I don’t have a thought
To toss out to the world
My mind is a pillow
Where no thoughts rest their head
I don’t think
Therefore I am not
Yet I am considered alive
I exist in one spot
I wander about aimlessly
To all you all
I live shamelessly
Without a thought
So I sing an endless song
Of my thoughtless self
I am obscure and wrong
My thoughts on the shelf
It’s the best way to go-
Not letting on you are
Keeping you for later
When you find another
Non-existing one
Who shares your plane
One not under the sun
Who is also insane
by @robyneggs


No. 11 "Spreading the Light"

His staff was illuminant
In the reflection of the night
With which he did create
The image of light
His plan for the illuminant
Was to cover all pain
With a love that was trenchant
He had all to gain
But out of the night
Slunk a black maranatha
The epitome of spite
To set loose its wrath
by @robyneggs


No. 12 "Moon Hung Lower"

As the moon hung lower
It ate the light
Time seemed to pass slower
As he filled with fright
But just then, from above
All love came to him
All light needed was love
To free darkness of sin
So all hurt was eliminated
As lacy white he spread
The whole was illuminated
Darkness no longer held dead
by @robyneggs


No. 13 "Waterfall"

Our love so great
Like a waterfall falling from Heaven
And splashing along at the rate
Of seven times seven
Over the soils
Of this burning land
Washing away the toils
Lifted from the sand
It feels so nice
To have been washed clean
Of the price
I paid to be seen
Before your eyes I placed me
Standing in the roaring rapid
Of your peace times three
Of myself I wish to be rid
You took my hand
And lifted us toward a cloud
Leaping over the burning sand
To the waterfall so majestic and proud
So our love fell from the sky
And over my hand
And over us so high
To cover the land
by @robyneggs


No. 14 "Broke Open Shell"

Broke open shell
Released and inside
Emerges through the rising sea
Upon the water
To reach the shore
Rocky, green beach
At moon-time I listen
I slip upon the moss
Of lust
by @robyneggs


No. 15 "Love Sonnet"

Switch to love sonnet
To love song
And become chapped
Creativeness is my love
Kiss the sore lips
Of actions
Change in the garden
Of interpretive dance
Into a lost one
And give your beauty unto me
by @robyneggs


No. 16 "Prepare Yourself"

Prepare yourself for
Beyond the void lies
A darkness whiter than white
A nightness lighter than light
A numb olive
Stuffed with liquid nails
Why do I put energy into
Something dead
Something I know will not be
I withdraw the energy
Let the olive shrive
Macerate myself with
Liquid nails
by @robyneggs


No. 17 "Sprinkle my Left"

Sprinkle my left
Over the oldness of a world
Left behind
A new journey, afresh
Beyond what I might be
Soft wax to mold myself
Into what I can only hope
Yes, I will create
A greater good from me
For me
The infinite dimensions possible
All if I dare to dream
Upon a silken flower
I forfeit my once-self
Over to and left
Moldy clay like heated fire
Sounds of pouring
Like empty space filled
Me full of self-capability
Until I find another who will
Behold how I hold them so close
This poor once-was
Is now beautiful again
For an awaited gift
Greater than imagined
by @robyneggs


No. 18 "Shadows Drape"

Shadows drape over the trees
As the moon rises in the sky
The weeping willows
Hang their heads
And let the gray cover their lashes
Tears fall across their branches as
The stars emerge to dot the black
Droopy clouds sink low and hide
The beauty of the celestial bodies
The colors of wild flowers blooming
On the surface of the Sun
Are seen as black-are not known
When the Moon shows its face
When the Moon sheds its darkness
To cover even the rivers with cold
Which they reflect back out to the stars
That they may be seen
Shadows drape over the trees
by @robyneggs


No. 19 "I’ve Always Been Crazy"

I’ve always been crazy
To other people-uncollected
Yet here are my collected thoughts
Drowned in the past
Revived as I write them into the paper
I cannot stop
For words flow
They skip through your brain
And you must be quick to catch them
To lose
A thought
A love
The many things we lose
Must not consume us
As we rest our head we must let
Go and give them up to the Lord
Shells are left sometimes
As humans do
Cut the dead branches from the tree
For without passion
In our lives
How can we live?
We mutate and become something
Without solace once
In a while we begin
To lose ourselves
The great selves
That we are
Our creative beauty
Becomes light
If a one was to leap
Ahead in time
What do you think there would be
Lying in wait for you
How much would you have allowed
Yourself not to need along
That way you might choose
To lose a thing you
Absolutely know and are
Aware of is worse because
Of what and why?
That you know it better do you
Treasure it more?
Something trips you and you fall
You get back up and whine
You move on immediately and where
Do you go away?
And reject not to learn
In fact, you’ve won because
Someone, somewhere
Has not gained what you have
Closer to gain from experience
You must take ahold of what you want
If you plan to let yourself have it
And then make use of it 100%
There is no waste in the recesses
Of what you hold in
You choose what you let go
As you grow
You retain
And you lose
by @robyneggs


No. 20 "Red Rose Bushes"

In among the red rose bushes
Looking for something to be found
I follow a winged path
Leading me to the underground
Crawling and searching
The dead rose petals are down here
Why is the sky underground?
It’s becoming bright I fear
I’ve found what I’ve been looking for
Here among the red rose bushes
by @robyneggs


thank you_robyneggs_by_girlbeforemirror.jpg

Other collections by Robyn Eggs

Love is Endless, Poor Soul - Sick Vol 3
I am Possessed, Blind, Trapped - Sick Vol 2
Possession of Your Darkness - Sick Vol 1

Epic Poetry
Skins Ignite - poem
1000 Follower Tribute Ballad
Wind Do Blow
Purple Joe Poem
Eclipse Poem for Him
Vampire III - Poem
Vampire II
Vampire 1
Ugly - Poem
Drunken Saga > Ch 2
Drunken Saga Poems > Ch 1
Poem about a Saga

Magnum Opus
Holy Space Juice
Self-Worth Realization Ch 1
Self-Worth Realization Ch 2 & 3

Poetry Art
Clouds are Drifting - pic poem
Love - pic poem
Ransom Note Poetry 3
Ransom Note Poetry No. 2
Ransom Note Poetry No. 1
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