Poker Today 11: Beth's First Time

"Fortuna audaces iuvat"
Fortune favors the brave ~Virgil

Hey Steemy Poker Peeps!


Welcome to my very first article as a Poker Today contributor!

First and foremost, a shout-out has to be made to the Donk Overlord of All That Is the Steemit Poker League ( @spl ), @Tuck-Fheman and his A+ Guy, @BigPChef. You have truly created something beautiful and dynamic in this poker league, my friends. I like to think of you guys sitting on top of your hill, high as fuck, passing a blunt and watching us, your ‘kids’, playing and getting along and are just PLEASED. Thanks guys. Y’all are fucking epic.

And thanks to my teammates, @nicnas and @chiefmappster for trusting me with their baby #PokerToday. I’ll do my best.

Which makes me think… do you guys out there know how the three of us got together? It’s a pretty epic story, I’ll try to be brief (not my speciality but I can TRY)

I was playing one of my first tournaments on @spl and this little shit ‘@nicNAS’ - who was just OBSERVING, by the way... he had already gotten knocked out - was throwing straight SHADE at me for playing slow. I think I was head - to - head at the time and SUUPER low stacked.

Tuck was there, of course, ‘cuz Tucks’ ERRYWHERE. They made a side bet on who would win between the two of us...

Nic bet that I would LOSE. Can you EVEN??

Well, of course I came back and won in an EPIC fashion. It took about eight hours but I WON, DAMMIT. And so it began.

When @Tuck started the Team League, @nic invited me and grabbed @chief and now…


See how crazy the universe works? These guys are my partners, my TEAM. And y’all, we are flowing.

Let’s begin with the Team League standings:


Ohhhhhhh snap. What’s that?

You’re looking at it right. Team Epic in the lead. :shrug: NBD.

teamworkmakesthedreamwork, can you dig?

Now, this WAS before last night/this morning’s game, so I SUPPOSE it’s possible that Level 5 knocked us down a notch… I mean. Anything's possible, amirite?

Community Casino


We’ve started our first Community Hold’em game!


It’s turning out to be really fun, haha! Check out the hands and the flop here;


And play next week if you didn’t get the chance this time! The prize is 20 SBD guaranteed this week, totally free to play, all you need to do is comment and upvote the posts. It’s especially set up for people who either don’t really know how to play or can’t often play on

WhaleTank and Community Casino

@chiefmappster introduced @nicNAS and me to WhaleTank, a better version of the show SharkTank, and we got together and pitched our idea for Community Casino to the Whales there… it was a crazy-awesome learning experience and we have already gotten really positive feedback and made some fantastic partnerships! I’m so excited for this idea to really take off and make some positive change in the world. Keep your eyes open and come along for the ride!

Check out @chief’s article about it …


And here’s the link to @officialfuzzy


Thanks again for hosting this, @officalfuzzy! I know I learned a great deal and look forward to hanging out again!

@SPL and

The Thursday Weekly Tournament is now the Community Casino tournament, hosted for you by #TeamEpic. Every Thursday at 11:00 AM PST, 20 SBD guaranteed! It's free, it's easy, but most importantly, it's fun. Come sign up at and let me take all your chips! ;)

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I hope you’ve heard about the daily 18 SBD freeroll…that’s right, EVERY DAY at you have the chance to win major SBD’s. It’s at 5:30 PST Here was the final results of the first tourney:


Yeah, that’s me, top ten. So close and yet soooo far away…

Check out @internetguy and his site for all kinds of cool stats and info:


That’s all I’ve got for this issue of #Pokertoday. Hope to see you at the tables soon!

our logo ninja art done by @nicnas. I hear you can pay him to do some for you... hashtag-SKILLZ

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