March For Our Lives - #1 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 7 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

Hey Steem Fam,

I was working most of last night, grabbed some sleep earlier, woke up, messed around a bit then turned on the news to catch up.

THEN remembered that the student protests were today.

And started grabbing screen pics.

There are a couple that will be out of order but I think generally this is how it flowed since I've been watching, picture-story-wise...

Crowd shot while student speakers are on stage:

180324,Sat  1  -crowd-supporting.png

Student leader speaks about her brother Ricardo's death. Very emotional, stops and crowd supports her through her tears:

180324,Sat  2  brother-Ricardo-death-CA--remember-names-us.png

Another student leader speaking:

180324,Sat  3  -student-leader--vote-out.png

Lin-Manuel Miranda and Ben Platt sing to support the students:

180324,Sat  5  -Lin-Manuel-Miranda-n-Ben-Platt-sisng.png

Crowd chanting 'no more':

180324,Sat  11  --crowd-chants-no-more.png

12 year old student speaking on behalf of her family members and others killed. Says she's especially speaking on behalf of black girls and young women whose deaths do not make it to the news:

180324,Sat  12  --rep=black-girls,women-dont-make-front-pg-news.png

Parkland student survivor, Jacqueline Corin:

180324,Sat  15--March-For-Our-Lives--Jacqueline-Corin-parkland.png

Another crowd picture:

180324,Sat  17--March-For-Our-Lives--crowd-pic-4.png

Ok, that's it for Part 1 of this mini-series.

I have lots more pictures to crop.

The Washington march and rally has ended but there are others that will be starting up later.

I'm going to grab some breakfast at 3:29pm, Jamaica/Central time.

Then I'll do some quick editing afterwards to post later.

See you then in Part 2 of this live blogging of today's student protests.


PS I had planned a couple other posts for today but am so glad to be doing this.

It's been a longggg time since I've live tweeted a worldwide event and it's nice live blogging it here instead. ;)

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

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