Positive Reflections: How To Make Every Day A Great Day

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If I were to ask you, how your day was, what would be your reply? You might answer that you had a great day because you got a promotion. Or you might answer that you had a lousy day because you failed at something. Under these circumstances, whether you had a great day or a bad day is determined by what happened during the day.

It is natural to feel happy when “good” things come our way or to feel sad when “bad” things come our way. The problem is we have no control over what will happen today or what life will throw at us today. Therefore, if we let the things that life throws at us determine how our day was, then we are effectively surrendering our lives to fate. However, we must always remember whilst we have no control over what life throws at us, we are in control of how we choose to respond to the things that life throws at us, that response is entirely within our control.

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With that awareness and taking full control of our response to the things that happen in our life, everyday can be a great day regardless of what things life throws at us. However, this does not mean that we feel less sadness or less pain when bad things come our way. The difference is despite the pain or the sadness, we know that we have the power to make a difference. Instead of asking why life is so unfair, we ask ourselves what we can learn from this and how we can move on. And when we move on, our days of pain and sadness are reduced and we emerge from this stronger and even more powerful.

So have a great day today and everyday.

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