Positive Reflections: Are We Majoring In Minor Things?

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Another way of asking the above question is "Are we letting the small stuff in life getting in the way of the great things or dreams that we want to achieve?" We may think that the answer is no, but if we reflect more deeply we may find that our major goals have to some extend being neglected as we are too engrossed in the small stuff. This is because it is very easy for us to get caught up with life in our daily routine. In today's world there are many small stuff that can distract us away from our goals, stuff such taking out the trash, browsing facebook, reading and replying SMS, watching TV and the list goes on.

When we are majoring in minor things, we filled our jar of life with sand and pebbles which represents the small stuff first. Once that jar is full, we are unable to fill this large with stones which represent our major goals or dreams. It is only when we put the stones in the jar first, then we have room for the pebbles. And after we have put in the pebbles, than we still have room for the sand.

During my Trans Mongolia Adventure, I have experienced minor hiccups, discomfort, inconveniences, and also frustration (especially due to language barrier). But that is a small price to pay for all the wonderful experiences during the holiday. I get to see new and beautiful places, taste different types of food, get to know and make new friends, learn about history, customs and cultures of other countries and experience unique adventures such horse riding in Mongolia, tobogganing down the Great Wall of China, sleeping in Mongolian Ger, visiting the Red Square and taking a river cruise in St Petersberg. And so it is with life, if we get caught with with the minor things in our daily routine, then we will not be able to live the life our dreams. Instead of being dragged down by these small stuff, we should focus on major things, only then can we achieve our dreams.

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