Random photography thoughts: People I've met once -Bridgette-

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My life as a photographer has brought me into contact with so many different kinds of people from so many different places. One of the coolest aspects is that it gives me this amazing perspective, age, background, profession, likes, hates, passions, fears, you name it, I've probably heard a story about it during the course of a shoot. I've seen a lot.

Most people have what I call the universal story. The typical ups and downs. The good, the bad. They see the world a certain way, act within it, and to be blunt, could be interchanged with almost any other persons story without upsetting to much in the universe. Basic life. And there ain't nothing wrong with that.

Then there are those people, who when you look at their image, get your attention. There's a different kind of depth to whatever picture of them is taken. It feels just a little bit more alive, a little bit deeper, just, more. I guess a good photographer might be able to coach that out of anyone, but there are those people who just have 'it.' They've been through something. They know something. They've seen something most people ignore. They pay attention and remember.

And those are the people I love to shoot. Those are the shoots I remember. Those are the images that make people stop for a moment and look. I may never meet them again but the memory of their shoot and their images lives on.

I hope you enjoyed my image and the story behind it!

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