Positivity Challenge #3 10/10/2016

Hi all!

Today on @lifeisawesome I wrote about giving without want of return:


So your challenge until next week is to pick something charitable and do it. Come back here and tell us about it. Please remember that resteems this week will be explicitly for those that have done the task at hand and written about it - or taken pictures of their activities.

Please don't think these need to be grand gestures of humanity. All I'm looking for is a simple charitable act without want of return. Sit down and talk to a homeless person on the street - brighten up their day. Volunteer at a local shelter, or donate some unused clothing to charity. The choice is unlimited, and ultimately yours. All I ask in return is that you tell us about it!!

Please also be aware that stories from an earlier time won't be accepted, these need to be from this week!

Have fun with this one :)

Yesterdays chart topping winners!

Thank you, thank you all again for taking part. Your entries were quite amazing today, and one of those posts had me shedding a tear. I'll let you guess which one:








Last weeks challenge was quite an open one. Such great content, and a lot of you were trying really, really hard. Well done!

As for now, it's off to bed, and I'll see all of you tomorrow!

Be well.


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