Information Finding Championship round 3 results.

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

Hey again everyone! Before we get to the results, I just wanna say that I perhaps bit off a little more than I could chew with the one contest a day for the first week, heh. I haven't totally been able to 100% keep up with all of it and if I happened to miss a comment of yours, or an entry, or whatever.. I'm sorry please try to bring it to my attention if so.

This will be a lot easier and more manageable when we do one or two challenges a week, but.. Yeah.. I'm struggling to properly give everyone the attention and responses they deserve.. Sorry. Doing my best though! :)
Anyways.. Moving on..

Here are the results from the third challenge!


apolymask - Voted for deliberator

rarebooksleuth - Voted for bashadow

charisma777 - voted for bashadow

luckysteem - Voted for bashadow

harj - Voted for deliberator

addempsea - Voted for auminda

bashadow is the winner of round 3! And.. I think technically is our first winner since the first two rounds ended up in ties and are still ongoing...?

Congrats bashadow! You are the first to officially level up! And I will send you the steem from the round you won in a little while when I get a chance.

bashadows entry was about a word contest which we will do in the future and name after him/her. I assume bashadow is a him but I don't really know to be straight forward, if you would like to know more about his/her contest idea here is the link to his entry.


If you are new and want to know more about how the contest works in general, this link may help that explains the Information Finding Championship in more detail.


Artwork credit - Joshua Clement on Facebook

Reasons the judges voted the way they did.

My reason.
I'm voting for deliberators entry this round. I think it speaks magnitudes that I immediately made his idea an actual contest even before the round was over, but.. I didn't officially vote until I gave everyone a chance to submit and while there were some other really awesome entries, I still just feel like this was the best one in my opinion cause I think it's good to give back to the beginners and to also help them out.
This was the easiest round for me to judge so far, the others were really difficult! But.. Your entry was just so benevolent and perfect in my opinion. Thanks for the awesome idea and entry!!

Hi deliberator Im a judge in this competition and I like your idea and you got my vote!!! : )

I love this idea of your contest. As it brings out the creativity in people.

I love this idea! You've got my vote!

Hello @bashadow, this is a great contest idea. you have my vote! @apolymask this is my round three vote.

I voted for you. I like your idea!

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