Draw on Blockchain : Tea Time on Air Balloon 熱氣球上下午茶

Happy weekend!! Several posts before, I had said that wanted to draw a afternoon tea illustration. Today I read some more travel blog and web about it. This tea timing on a air balloon idea blink and flash into my mind when I was having shower (may be because of the steam). So, I draw one first. A young lady goes and played outside, having afternoon eat with the butler. Comic like scene, haha xD Every daily moment can be a spark of idea for drawing, also, many brilliant post on Steem blockchain too. I draw for self practice, a kind of changing idea into a visible work. Also, a collection of idea which maybe useful in the future. Moreover, if it can bring entertainment or make readers relax, it is my pleasure^^

前幾個帖裡提過想畫AFTERNOON TEA,今天在看一些相關的遊記和文章,洗澡時「叮」一聲的想起了熱氣球(也許是因為蒸氣的關係)。然後這個畫面就跑進腦袋了。淘氣的貴族小姐在下課後跑出去玩,在熱氣球上執事奉上了AFTERNOON TEA,好少女漫畫的場景啊xD 其實這個系列起源於把日常靈感實現出來、視覺化出來的練習。不單只日常,在STEEM上也有很多有趣有意思的文章,都是不同的靈感來源呢。為這些IDEA做個記錄,說不定將來哪天有用吧(會有用吧)。加上如果有來看的讀者得到一點點娛樂或者療癒,那也很不錯啊^^

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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