A Truly Haunted Place I Discovered in the Hillside of Dalian 我在大连的山坡上发现的一个真正闹鬼的地方

True Story of the Creepy Shack in the hills of Dalian China.

(really examine this picture. take your time before you continue.)

Dalian is a city of hills and coastlines. It must have been a truly scenic place for the original inhabitants hundreds of years ago long before modern development.

I love the hills. They break up the city into little pockets of villages. I’m sure before the Japanese started developing the peninsula during ‘the war’ each community would have been rather separate from each other. Today they are connected with tunnels, bridges and simply leveling the hill. I would guess most level places in Dalian are flattened hills. The debris gets used to extend the coastline and create more land.

Up one of these hills covered in trees and bushes where people rarely go I discovered one of the most disturbing places I have ever been. Growing up in Canada’s wilderness and being into occult at the time I assure You have participated in some really creepy activities involving dark magic. I do believe in it but I no longer practice the occult. I made the switch to animism with hints of wiccan long ago when I discovered god was actually code word for nature and the flow of life not some entity that makes conscious decision that effect our daily lives. Another day I promise to share to my personal religion.

After hiking up the hill with a British friend we stumbled upon a clearing that seemed really out of place. The path we followed was overgrown but better than the prickly bushes that tore up my skin to find the trail. We had started on the other side of the hill were now coming down the opposite side.

In this clearing was some sort of dilapidated shack. And worn out fence made with branches surrounding the premises. And trees and bush around that. This little yard with tall grass half up a hill with no sign of activity for at least a year certainly called our attention.

(what's in those trees?)

Once we hopped over the fallen stick gate I could feel a presence I had not felt in a very long time. It was genuinely eerie. I could feel eyes on me the moment I entered. I persevered forward, my friend seemed unfazed but he did mention a creepy feeling as we got closer to the shack.

We noticed in the trees all around the site were mannequins. Female naked mannequins tied to the trees about 4 meters off the ground. At least half a dozen of them. This was no easy feat, a ladder would be needed and more than one person I would imagine. Attached to the tree at the crotch of each mannequin was a phallic placed bottle of sorts that gave the lady mannequin the impression it had an erection.
我们注意到在周围的树上都是模特。女模特被赤裸着绑在树上距地面约4米高。至少有六个。摆好这些可不是一件容易的事情,需要不止一个人,还有梯子 。树上在每个模特的裤裆处都有瓶子里面有各种各样勃起的阴茎。

These creepy mannequins were placed in such a way it really made the spine hairs shiver. Why were they paced like that? Who would put such effort in to the creepy Criminal Minds movie production set. Memories of past episodes of every TV show and movie about serial killers flashed through my mind.

The shack was even spookier. With grey clouds overhead, the dry autumn air and not another person in sight, only the rustling of colored leaves could be heard. A few taxi horns in the distance were blasting as usual. It was relatively remote for downtown Dalian but these hills really separate neighborhoods.

Hanging by their necks all around the shack on the outside were these sad weathered teddy bears. What the hell are dead teddy bears and naked mannequins with erections doing in the middle of the bush in downtown Dalian.
周围的小屋外面挂满了有些伤心的已经 风化了的泰迪熊。这些泰迪熊和裸体模特与勃起的阴茎在这大连市中心的灌木丛中到底在做什么。

In the trees were other stuffed weathered animals looking sad and untouched for years. Kitchen utensils, pots, kettles oddly placed in meaningful spots.

That was not the scariest part yet. I looked inside the shack and the darkness weighed on my shoulders and the wind whistled ever so slightly. In my mind’s eye I could feel terror, awful things had happened here. Surrounded in rubbish and broken glass from what was once windows stood a female mannequin unlike the others. This one was clearly ritualistic. I dare not touch it. Blindfolded eyes, Duct taped mouth, black bra and underwear.
这还不是最可怕的部分呢。我看着窝棚里,感觉黑暗压在我的肩膀上,风呼啸过。我能感受到这里以前发生过的恐怖,糟糕的事.在一扇之前是个窗户,现在周围布满垃圾和碎玻璃的地方站着一个和其他的不一样的女模特.这个明显是个仪式的, 我不敢去碰它。蒙住眼睛,牛皮胶布堵嘴,黑色胸罩和内衣。

All I could think was what happened here long ago. How many locals know of this place and never mentioned it to the police. If I saw this in Canada it could never exist because we like walk in the bush where people don’t go. If it did exist it would have been reported. The hill is downtown not kilometers from the city.

We both agreed some sinister events had happened here. We could not pinpoint how long ago. I guessed it was a few years since anyone had used it. My friend thinks less. We both felt the darkness this place projected. We had to leave. We have never returned.

What was this place used for? How is it still there?

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