(JP/EN)先日のyoshikoさんのポストから考えること/Thinking about Japanese community from Yoshiko’s post the other day

Hi steemians! (English version is at below)

皆さんは先日、 @yoshikoさんが書かれた日本のコミュニティについてのポストをご覧になりましたか? yoshikoさんが日本語ではなく、英語で書かれているため #Japanese のタグがついていません。普段 #Japanese のストリームをチェックしている人の中には、まだ目にしていない人がいるかも知れないのですが、もしまだの方は是非読んでみてください。パソコンを使用している方は右クリック→「日本語に翻訳」とかで日本語で読むことができると思います。





そして私も微力ながらコメントさせて戴いたんですが、ちょっと勢いで書いてしまったところもあって^^; 少し反省しています。一応、訂正が必要だったり、間違いがあれば教えて戴けるようお願いはしたのですが…。大丈夫でしたでしょうか。


実は今から書くようなことを先日の1ヶ月目の投稿で書こうかどうか迷ったんですが、あのときはまだNewbieでしたし、yoshikoさんや @kinakomochiさん、ほかの皆さんともそれほど多くやり取りしていなかったので書かずにいました。でもこの10日間でさらに色んな方の意見を目にしたり、なんと言ってもYoshikoさんのポストを目の当たりにすると、間違ってもいても、何か皆さんに感じて貰えることがあればいいのかなと思ってこれを書いているところです。





●上のようなコンテストやチャレンジを日本語にして日本コミュニティに紹介してみる(たまたまですが先日回りはじめた”steemit名前チャレンジ #steemitnamechallenge ”もその1つですかね)
●自分なりの「チャレンジ」的なものを作ってコミュニティ内に増やしてみる( @fukakoさんの #fridayinpictures や最近では suminyan10さんの"Learning to draw patterns with @suminyan10" もシリーズになってきて楽しいですよね。昨日は @akipponさんから新しく食育プロジェクト、 #gohanpower紹介されていました)
●自分の専門や得意分野で世界の人と交流する( @argonさんのマラソン投稿なんかがそうですよね)

●steemitのポストのために有効なツール(ソフトやアプリ)を紹介する(先日 @nadeshikoさんが写真編集ツールを紹介されていましたね^^)
●Discordに登録してきた人に積極的に挨拶して新しい皆さんが入りやすいようフォローする( @eggponさんや @sallyfunさん、他にも多くの方がしてくださってます^^)

●仮想通貨に関するマイナーネタを書いてみる( @fab0519さんの巨大コインは印象的でした)


上の中の幾つかはホントは私がしたいことなので、あんまり書きたくないんですけどね😁 そして上の幾つかは私が苦手なことなので、得意な人にお任せしたいと思って書いてます。ははは。どっちにしても、私一人ではこんなに沢山のことはできません。



もちろん、steemitやクジラさんたちに日本のコミュニティを支援してもらいたいという気持ちは有るわけですが、 @djynn さんがyoshikoさんのポストのコメントで書かれていたように、支援を受けるのを待つというお任せモードではなかなか進まないだろうと感じます。じゃぁ日本のコミュニティに何ができるの、と言ったときに、「steemitは書いて報酬をもらう場所」なわけですから、やっぱり書き手の一人ひとりが何か方法を模索する姿勢を見せることをしないと、他の人を動かすことはできないように思います。

英語を追加して多言語にするということは、海外の人に読んでもらう可能性は広がりますが、私は日本語だけでもいいから奥が深い、ためになる文章を書く人がもっと沢山いてもいいと思っています。それは韓国の @goodcontent4u さんがこちらのポストで問題提起されています。韓国コミュニティの例をあげながら、日本のコミュニティにいま、何ができるのかについて書かれています。







Hi steemians

Have you visited the post from @yoshiko about the Japanese community the other day? Since Yoshiko wrote it only in English, "#Japanese" tag is not attached. If you usually check articles with the stream of "#Japanese" , you might have missed it. So if you haven't read one yet, I wish you would try to read it(Here is a link)... thank you.

Actually I'd like to write this article a bit better, but I need finish writing this as soon as possible because it has been 5th day since yoshiko had posted. Seven days is pretty short period for me to write with in English.

First of all, when I saw her post, I thought about how long time did it take to Yoshiko for such a long post to make it. Then, I felt Yoshiko's strong passion for steemit and it was so touching to me. People from overseas keep writing comments for this post even till now, and she replied one by one very carefully, and Jpns community people also made comments written in English. It was also great.

Some Jpns members write even in Japanese and they asked themselves "what can you do for ourselves", I think many people had the opportunity to think about this "Japanese" community again from her post.

I also made a comment in English and Japanese, in short, " I think we need Japanese version of steemit for Japanese people who is trying to think about entry to steemit"

Here's a list what I(we) could do from now

Actually, I would like to write something a list like below in the first month's posting the other day, but at that time I was still newbie and I hadn't have so much communication with yoshiko or @kinakomochi yet. But in last ten days I have seen more opinions from various people, and had little chatting with Yoshiko or other people to know about Jpns community, and then I saw yoshiko's post. It made me would like to write some articles to let everyone know what I'm thinking about Jpns community now even if I am wrong or... a little bit saucy.


● Increase participants, guide other SNS users to steemit
● Efforts to Follow New Participated Parties

● Write good quality articles
● Write in multiple languages
● Find newbies and follow them to have good start with
● Discover good quality articles
● Restream and upvote a really good article(not because just "a friend")
● Interact by writing comments on many articles

● Participate in overseas contests and challenges
● introduce contests and challenges like the above into Japanese community
(We luckily get a chance to join "the Steamit Name Challenge #steemitnamechallenge " and we're enjoying it now)
● Make your own 'challenge' thing and try increasing it in the community
(Fun items like @fukako's #fridayinpictures and suminyan10's "Learning to draw patterns with @suminyan10" are also fun, a new one was introduced by @akippon, #gohanpower as Food Education Project yesterday.)
● Interact with people around the world in my field of specialty and specialty
( @argon's marathon post is something like that)

● Write an article "for steemit Japan" once a week or etc...
● Introduce effective tools (software and applications) for steemit's post
(like @nadeshiko's article the other day to introduce photo edit software)
● Try to write that it is a steamit "key point " instead of a "manual" for new people
(Such as stories that are difficult to write on manuals)
● Give greetings to people who have just registered to Discord and follow them join our community easily.
( @eggpon and @sallyfun, many others are doing this ^ ^)

● Write minor topics on cryptcurrency ( @fab0519's huge coin is awesome !!)
● Cooperate with upvote and support
(It may not so attracted but everyone happy with this support isn't it?)


Some of them are what I want to do, so I do not want to write much honestly. hahaha... But I can't write everything by myself!!
And I'm not good at some of them, so I want to leave it for someone else^^

I just want to make sure, I'm not forcing or asking to everyone for content things like above. Steemit can also be a business promotion, so people who want to protect their posting stance, people who want to continue without much involvement with people, people who want to participate by writing, good at helping people, people not... I think that everyone can has various colors.
I feel steamit is comfortable because people in such various positions are active. And since reading various posts and comments let me write this article to let community know what I'm thinking.

Of course we have feelings of asking support steemit and some whales to help Japanese community, but as @djynn mentioned in comments at yoshiko's post, "not only asking for assistance we also need to show our effort" I totally agree about it and it should be give and take relationships.Okay, let's say what we can do for the Japanese community, because steemit is a place to write and receive rewards, I think that it is necessary to show the attitude that each and every one should show something.

Adding English in our post might spread to the oversea to read them, but I think it's also very important to write in only Japanese in good quality. I don't want to say this... but I think we need to think about stop blah blaf post only as daily fotos. I think it's ok, but at least want to add something everyone can "learn" from the person's post. I think I can say "it is real "steemian". About bilingual post, Korean writer @goodcontent4u suggest as what is "good contents", it was interesting post compare with Korean community and Japanese one.

well... I also write list for new people, but it becomes little long so I would like to post it tomorrow or so.

as the end...

I participate here as a user (writer) of steemit, so regrettably I can not afford to actively support someone's activities, helping with events and participating in meetups. But I think there are many things that we can do as a "writing" position. Personally I feel that it is a kind of point month because ALIS will start their servise this month from Japan.

I hope this community will become stronger with everyone/each person thinking what we can do for steemit and Japanese community.
Thank you very much for reading this long post and we really appreciate your help and considerting about Japanese community. cheers...

By the way, there is something I'm wondering now, there is certainly "the impression that Japanese steemian will quit posting soon", but as a percentage it is really higher in Japan than overseas...? I mean just have curiousity about it.

Are there anyone who knows about sites that we can know such statistics? Or, if someone can post about it, I'm so happy!



Thank you so much for your patience to read this article till the end! Arigato gozaimashita.

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