The Steem is Rising - 2018 is going to be a good, good year - are you feeling the buzz?

I started on steemit in June of this year.

From the beginning I got involved in a thriving and rapidly expanding homesteading and prepping community.

For the first couple of months all was good. It was a great time. Lots to learn. Many new friends to make. Ideas a plenty. And the occasional Curie upvote thrown in for good measure.

Then the varnish began to tarnish. Activity dropped. Upvotes declined. Homesteaders went home. Preppers were unprepared.

And the mood on the platform seemed to darken. Spam bots. Flag wars. DDOS attacks. Negativity got the upper hand.

The steem price faded. The steemit site slowed to a crawl. New accounts dropped. Comments almost disappeared. The bots were on the verge of taking over.

Then something changed. I can't put a finger on it. It was around the time of SteemFest.

Good vibes began to trickle back. SMTs were announced. Steemit got a new logo. The site sped up.

The True Steemians began to stand tall.

@Stellabelle led the charge of the whales. Delegations flowed. @fulltimegeek brought his Stewards of Gondor to the field.

Projects in the waiting burst forth on the platform - @utopian-io, @dtube, @dsound, @dmania, @dlive, d-everything you can think of.

The #promo-steem / #promo-uk projects led by @stephenkendal, @starkerz and @anarcotech got the backing of @andrarchy and moved up a gear or two.

Witnesses like @aggroed, @jerrybanfield and @timcliff initiated projects like the Steem Panel Discussions and Steem Works.

Big YouTubers like @davidpakman arrived on steemit.

Projects like PAL's @msp-waves radio blossomed and @SirCork's @youarehope blockchain charity sprung into life.

There started to be a positive buzz around steemit.

Then SBDs took off. Although they are supposed to be pegged to the US dollar they suddently rocketed to 5, 6, 7, 8... times the value.

Post rewards suddenly became worth a whole lot more. There was dancing in Steem Street.

For me steemit turned round. I really began to enjoy it again as I had in the first couple of months.

I got involved in new projects. I started my A Dollar A Day daily giving. My #futurechronicles writing contests proved popular. SteemCommerce and the list of Businesses Accepting Payment in steem took me in a new direction.

The future is really looking exciting.

steem is climbing just like it should.

I have now become a co-host on @globocop's Saturday night radio show on MSP Waves. My own Alternative Lifestyle Show starts very soon.

The first Wales steemit meetup is planned for the new year.

This afternoon I met someone interested in steemit. It took me all of five minutes to convince them. They signed up on the spot.

This is the way. Show them and they will sign.

My mind is buzzing with ideas. Steem is reaching for the sky.

2018 is going to be a good, good year.

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[ graphic by @pennsif ]

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