BENSON'S FOLLY: episode 4

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By month end, James fulfilled his promise to Johnson. Before then he advised him not to lose focus and never to join any bad gang in the central motor park, where he was expected to start hawking the sachet water.

"I want you to understand that there are many corrupt children on the streets. Stay away from them; understand that your future is much more important. So abstain from bad influence." James advised again.

Johnson further assured his father that he would never compromised and that he would make him proud. Johnson soon started to hawk. Johnson, being very enterprising and hardworking, was serious at his business. He never misbehaved; rather, he showed great respect to his customers.

Within a twinkle of an eye, Johnson multiplied the money given to him by his father. His father was surprised to hear that, in fact, he did not believe until he saw the money. He was happy and proud of his son. "I know you'll someday be great. Understand this, good and bad habits are either consciously or unconsciously formed at certain periods in one's life. Honestly, you are forming a good habit and it will someday pay off; just keep it up." he told Johnson. He further encouraged him to keep up the good with and do away with too many friends.

"my son, always remember that Rome was not built in a day, the habit you are forming now is good and in no distant time you will reap its fruit. Keep on being hard working and prudent, do not allow other people to influence you into bad habits that cab jeopardize your future. Is that taken? "

"yes sir " Johnson joyfully answered.

Later, he provided Johnson with a wooden made bank to keep his savings.

Benson was surprised to hear about his friend's success story at his hawking business. He was indeed envious of his feat and was challenged to do the same. He believed he would be better. However, he asked Johnson about the secret of his success story.

"my father made me to understand that a good child does not spend the money given to him. He said that when one saves it, one day it will accumulate and be sufficient to do something reasonable. "Johnson explained.

At that juncture, he made up his mind to also start hawking. He shared his feelings with his parents assuring them of good success If they could permit him and also support him. He told them about Johnson's story and promised to do better. At the end his father managed to give him twenty babies and promised to give more If he could account for the twenty naira given to him.

The following day, Benson also began to hawk at the motor park. It soon dawned on him that it was not a child's play. After few hours, he was able to make little sales but along the line he spent half of his profit on feeding and buying goodies.

Benson was the type that would not joke with his belly. He was not used to making savings; rather, he often spent any money that came his way. Before then, Johnson had always cautioned him on his spending. He advised him to learn the habit of making savings no matter how little it could be. Unfortunately he would never listen. When Johnson realized that he was not going to listen, he left him to his fate.

Thanks for reading....

Here are the links to the previous episodes 👇

episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

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