Biological Waste, Teenagers, Romance, Parents & the Deep Whale Challenge

  • Is the Deep Whale Challenge a spontaneous phenomenon?
  • Are there any nefarious eyes wide shut institutional actors lurking in the shadows?

'Most likely, those young girls who fell in love with Philipp Budeikin (aka Philip Lis) were not receiving enough love and attention from their parents, and this handsome young man from the Internet provided certain support for them and gave that attention they needed.

'This is where romantic feelings were born.'

Veronika Matyushina, psychologist

Diana Kuznetsova, 16, jumped off a nine storey building, Ryazan

'They were dying happy. I was giving them what they didn't have in real life: warmth, understanding, connections.'

Philipp Budeikin, 21, of Russia, is charged with inciting at least 16 schoolgirls to kill themselves in his Blue Whale game.

Blue Whale brainwashes vulnerable teenagers over 50 days, urging them to complete tasks like watching horror movies, waking at strange hours & self harming.

'Cleansing society of biological waste'

Philipp Budeikin, the creator of the Deep Whale Challenge.

The Blue Whale challenge, based on the concept that blue whales beach themselves to commit suicide, can show up through apps, websites & social media groups.

Was Stephen King the inspiration?

In End of Watch, King's Brady Hartsfield character draws in his victims from a game app: Fishin' Hole. Similar to Deep Whale: blue whales beach themselves to commit suicide.

Updated June 28, 2017
Based on a comment by Gohba

its scary what goes in with kids that we can't see or control. Makes me worry for my little ones.

We can pray for our children & create an environment which makes it easier for them to come to Jesus. He is the only One who truly protects our children.

There has always been hope for our children

14 But He said, “Leave the children alone, and do not forbid them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matt 19:14 Amplified Bible AMP

Yes, teenagers, parents & children can beat the Deep Whale Challenge

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