Qurator's Photo Friday - Photography Competition!

Daily Curator #1 (29).jpg

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of Photo Friday!

Each Friday we will select 5 Qurites and feature their photography in our Daily Qurator post. Each Qurite featured in this post needs to comment with their photo featured in this post. The user with the most upvotes on their comment (not money value) will win a Tier 5 membership for 30 days! The votes will be counted when this post reaches payout.

We hope this can spark some more interest in the photography community within Qurator. Hopefully to get more users to visit photography related blogs and appreciate your photography. Hopefully there will also be some nice rewards on your comment in this post.

We have made it easy for all participants by providing the links to their photos that they can just copy and paste into the comment section of this post to officially enter the competition!






Let the competition and upvotes begin! Best of luck to all the Qurites participating!

*Note: Any upvotes from pay4bots will not be counted.

Your Quality Curator ~( @goldendawne )~ Presents:


Seven Day B&W Challenge Day 7
Where is this? What city? Let's see who can figure it out first; @tattoodjay will have to let us know who is correct with his or her guess.
Part of the 7 Day B&W Photo Challenge is to just post a picture that describes you. No text. No words. Nothing. Members get nominated by friends, but for @tattoodjay, he says this...

I am supposed to nominate someone daily, but as I am probable one of the few who hasn’t done this challenge instead I am going to make it an open challenge to anyone who has not take part in this challenge as yet to dive in and do it


Cappadocia- Another Mysterious Tunnel Staircase Down To An Underground City
If you're claustrophobic this may not be the place for you. But seeing @rosatravels' photograph of some tunnels leading down to a hidden underground city are breathtaking.

The tunnels going down the Underground city in Cappadocia is fascinating. They are not only straight down but often times with curves turning to the right and to the left. You are taken back to ancient times where people had to shelter in caves

Absolutely magnificent! If you're ever in Turkey, you may want to consider visiting this place.


Color Challenge- Orange: Liquid Lava UV Shoot With Silvia
WOW! Can you say pschedelic! During a recent photo shoot, @chrisdavidphoto took advantage of some special paint and lighting effects.

We used UV body paints with my special LED UV lighting setup.
Initially the makeup artist went a little wild with splatter effects
The background is fluro red-organge fabric which just added to the effect of the shoot


Daily Photography Contest- Thursday Macrophotography- Volatile
What kind of flower is this one? Anyone? @oscarps will have to share because I am VERY curious!
If you look close enough at the top of the flower, you can see what appears to be a dandelion fuzzy sitting up there. Such accuracy with his photography skill.


Random Photos: Random BnW
@ekavieka is sharing some of his random photos that he has taken over time.

These photos have been posted on the site, but of course in the color version. Please enjoy the black and white version

In this photo the butterfly kupu-kupu) almost looks translucent, yet glowing, in some areas. He captured the natural beauty of this rhopalocera (scientific name for a butterfly) perfectly!

Congratulations to the winner of the 1st Photo Friday: @saffisara

Prize: Tier 5 upvotes for 30 days!

For more information on how to join Qurator click HERE

Your Quality Content Curator


The Qurator project is brought to you by @scrooger, @gingerninja, @boontjie and @goldendawne
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