✏️I Need YOU! ✏️Calling all writers! ✏️(And voice actors!)


I need you. I want you.

Let's work together!

As you may or may not have noticed, I've begun my very own Radio Podcast on the SteemStar Network. It's pretty awesome.🤩

Mission Control.png

And ideas are just a-poppin'! The current one I've taken and run with is "Old Time Radio" also known as OTR. You know? Like back in the 1940s?

Check out my video request below:

TL;DW (Too Long; Didn't Watch)

  • I'd like there to be short creepy story segments, as well as short plays, that either stand alone or are a continuing saga. These would fall in between the games, jokes, special musical guests and just general hilarity.

  • Upon doing a bit of research I found I really need permission to use almost anything... except for the scripts from the 40s! Those are mostly fair game.

  • That's where YOU come in.

  • I need short stories. 250-600 words. Ones that are a little creepy, maybe even scary. Stories that are 2-5 minutes and just make your skin crawl.

  • I also need short scripts. Less than five minutes, or ones that can be broken up into 5 minute episodes. These can be about anything. It'd be great if they were funny. I'd like to stay away from full dramas or romance.

  • And voice actors that would be available during the show to come on and perform live.

The scripts can be written for:

1 Female
1 Male
1 Female, 1 Male
2 Females
2 Females, 1 Male
2 Males, 1 Female

Basically anything with a less than 4 people... at least at first.

  • Stage direction or atmosphere can be read by another person, an Announcer or Narrator.

  • I'll also be adding in sound effects that will help set the mood and draw people in, so keep that in mind when creating.

  • This week I've written a little something and added sound effects. It's pretty okay for my first time. Be sure to tune in TUESDAY 12 AM UTC to hear it live!

    rainbow motion.gif

Not into writing so much? What scares you? What makes your skin crawl? What things just freak you out? Tell me about it in the comments below.

Find me on Discord and/or comment below so we can connect! Let's bring back Old Time Radio!

Watch last week's Mission Control Podcast below!

Want even MORE of me? Check out my latest episodes:

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Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great UPDATED tutorial:

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Click the image!

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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