Commentary on the Confucian Analects, Book 11: "Hsien Tsin" Part 1/2

"Filial indeed is Min Tsze-ch'ien! Other people say nothing of him different from the report of his parents and brothers."

Hello everyone! I am sorry about the mix up. Hopefully, I will have this up in time. For those of you who are new, this is a series where I provide commentary about the Confucian analects. This article is Book 11, Part 1/2. Let's get into it!

Here is the first half of my commentaries on Book 11: Hsien Tsin:

[Image Source:, License: CCO Public Domain]

Original text from the Public Domain Confucian Analects (from the 2013 edition of "The Art of War and Other Classics of Eastern Thought")

@cmp2020 original commentary

Hsien Tsin

Confucius's preference of the simpler ways of former times

  1. The Master said, "The men of former times in the matters of ceremonies and music were rustics, it is said, while the men of these latter times, in ceremonies and music, are accomplished gentlemen."
  2. "If I have occasion to use those things, I follow the men of former times."

Confucius prefers to follow the precedents set by tradition in ceremonies and in music. A point to make here would be that Confucius acknowledges that there are new ways of doing things, learns as much as he can about those new things, and then decides that he prefers to follow tradition.

Confucius's regretful memory of his disciples' fidelity: characteristics of ten of the disciples

  1. The Master said, "Of those who were with me in Ch'an and Ts'ai, there are none to be found to enter my door."
  2. Distinguished for their virtuous principles and practice, there were Yen Yuan, Min Tsze-ch'ien, Zan Po-niu, and Chung-kung; for their ability in speech, Tsai Wo and Tsze-kung; for their administrative talents, Zan Yu and Chi Lu; for their literary acquirements, Tsze-yu and Tsze-hsia.

Confucius' followers had different skills, yet none of them remained after a while. I think that this passage conveys that Confucius feels a sense of nastalgia.

Hui's slent reception of the Master's teachings
The Master said, "Hui gives me no assistance. There is nothing that I say in which he does not delight."

I think the point of this passage is that Yen Yuan only works with Confucius as a student. I think the point is to only do what is required of you.

The filial piety of Min Tsze-ch'ien
The Master said, "Filial indeed is Min Tsze-ch'ien! Other people say nothing of him different from the report of his parents and brothers."

Min Tsze-ch'ien follows the teachings of his parents even when his parents are not around. He truly has demonstrated respect for his parents and their teachings.

Confucius's approbation of Nan Yung
Nan Yung was frequently repeating the lines about a white scepter stone. Confucius gave him the daughter of his elder brother to wife.

I think the point of this passage is that Nan Yung remembered something that he had learned, and Confucius gave him a wife as reward.

How Hui loved to learn
Chi K'ang asked which of the disciples loved to learn. Confucius replied to him, "There was Yen Hui; he loved to learn. Unfortunately his appointed time was short, and he died. Now there is none who loves to learn, as he did."

Yen Yuan loved to learn as none of the other disciples did. There have been many previous segments about Yen Yuan's abilities in practicing his master's teachings.

How Confucius would not sell his carriage to buy a shell for Yen Yüan

  1. When Yen Yüan died, Yen Lu begged the carriage of the Master to sell and get and outer shell for his son's coffin.
  2. The Master said, "Every one calls his son his son, whether he has talents or has not talents. There was Li; when he died, he had a coffin but no outer shell. I would not walk on foot to get a shell for him, because, having followed in the rear of the great officers, it was not proper that I should walk on foot."

The point of this passage is not to act based on favoritism when it comes to those who you surround yourself with. Confucius will not sell his carriage to buy Yen Yuan an added accesory for his coffin because Confucius did not do the same for his other disciples, and it is improper for him to travel without a carriage. I suppose the other point of this passage could be that it is important to weigh how our decisions effect us and those around us.

Confucius felt Hui's death as if it had been his own
When Yen Yüan died, the Master said, "Alas! Heaven is destroying me! Heaven is destroying me!"

However, favoritism is fine when it comes to mourning.

Confucius vindicates his great grief for the death of Hui

  1. When Yen Yüan died, the Master bewailed him exceedingly, and the disciples who were with him said, "Master, your grief is excessive!"
  2. "Is it excessive?" said he.
  3. "If I am not to mourn bitterly for this man, for whom should I mourn?"

Again, favoritism is fine when mourning.

Confucius's dissatisfaction with the grand way in which Hui was buried

  1. When Yen Yüan died, the disciples wished to give him a great funeral, and the Master said, "You may not do so."
  2. But the disciples did bury him in a great style.
  3. The Master said, "Hui behaved towards me as his father. I have not been able to treat him as my son. The fault is not mine; it belongs to you, O disciples."

Confucius was made at his followers for making ostentatious and grandiose displays.

Confucius avoids answering questions about serving spirits, and about death
Chi Lu asked about serving the spirits of the dead. The Master said, "While you are not able to serve men, how can you serve their spirits?" Chi Lu added, "I venture to ask about death?" He was answered, "While you do not know life, how can you know about death?"

Sometimes, it is best not to learn how to progress until you have learned how to succeed at the task at hand.

Confucius happy with his disciples about him

  1. The disciple Min was standing by his side, looking bland and precise; Tsze-lu, looking bold and soldierly; Zan Yu and Tsze-kung, with a free and straightforward manner. The Master was pleased.
  2. (He said), "Yu, there! -he will not die a natural death."

Yu will not die a natural death because the way he stands is not natural?

Wise advice of Min Sun against useless expenditure

  1. Some parties in Lu were going to take down and rebuild the Long Treasury.
  2. Min Tsze-ch'ien said, "Suppose it were to be repaired after its old style-why must it be altered and made anew?"
  3. The Master said, "This man seldom speaks; when he does, he is sure to hit the point."

Sometimes it is best to fix what we already have, rather than scrap it and start over.

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