Neuromarketing and IAs: are we losing control when making our purchases?

Did you know there is a type of marketing designed to research which zone of your brain is stimulated when making purchases? So they can predict the behavior of the consumers, and discover their wishes and feelings.



This tool is extremely useful for companies because it allows them to place the products in a certain way to capture our attention and increase the possibilities of us buying it.

Neuromarketing is about capturing our feelings
The focus is to stimulate our senses and create certain experiences by the means of nice aromas, good music, pretty colors. The better the claim to the consumer’s senses and emotions, the stronger the link established with the brand of the product.

Now, we all realize we live surrounded with constant publicity 24/7, they are everywhere, in the magazines, in the bus stop, in our social media, in some of our apps. Everywhere. And eventually these constant advertisements manage to remain on our thoughts until we end up buying the product, or at least a similar one.

Notice a curiosity that consists on the fact that we tend to recognize the effects of publicity in other people’s behaviors (they “let themselves be manipulated” we say) but never on our own. We believe we are not so influential and that we buy with total freedom. But the reality can be different.

Sometimes our brain is tricked into buying more without us realizing

How many times we went to the store to buy just a T-shirt, and when we realize we have a new PANT on our wardrobe? Or perhaps we go to the grocery store to buy milk, and ended up bringing a whole week of food? Did you know salty popcorns are so common in cinemas because they increase sodas’s sales?

Now, not everything is necessary bad with Neuromarketing, it has a positive side since it’s goal is to examine the emotional part of the cliente with his consent. This way, it might be possible to create better products and services that are able to satisfy his needs. So it could be called a win-win situation.

AIs could start to control us if they managed to get such deep information about us

The only issue is who is the one who has access to this tools and for what purpose. Neuromarketing analysis can be ethical, it depends on the purpose and the way of processing in the study. If all is transparent with the customer, then there shouldn’t be any issues. If a shady organization does it in an underground or clandestine way, then we have a serious problem.

For example, the implications of a terrorist organization using Neuromarketing campaigns designed by AIs to manipulate naive people, can be an existential threat to our civilization.

Or if an uncontrolled and hostile IA manages to find and study us using this technique, it will have an easy way to manipulate us into doing or consuming whatever this AI wants

As technology and science advance at an exponential rate, and we learn more about the way our brain works, we find new information about ourselves that can eventually, be weaponized against us.

In the future we will need to secure our own thoughts from hackers in order to be safe

Therefore, securing the information recollected using this technique throught proper protocols is something we need to have in mind if we want to support and promote this technology.

Perhaps a good way of securing this information is one applied in the crypto world which consists on using a “cold storage” so no hacker can have access to it. A massive offline vault, certainly seems like the best option.

What do you think about this subject? Do you think we need to be careful with Neuromarketing because of it’s possible implications on our future lives? What secure ways do you think are the best to storage it’s recollected information?

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