The karashev Scale | Part 3

The Kardashev Scale

 In the last part I talked about what is a type 2 on the Kardashev Scale, and what we would be able to do.

If you missed Part 1 (Click Here).

If you missed Part 2 (Click Here).

Now i will talk about a Type 3 civilization.

Galactic Travelers

By the time a Race reaches Type 3 on the Kardashev Scale, it will have the knowledge of everything to do with energy, or in other words, they become a Master Race.

For us as humans it will take hundred of thousands of years of evolution both biological and mechanical.

Type 3 civilization would be totally different, if we were to become a Type 3 we would be vastly different to what we are now, such as we might build cyborgs or cybernetic organism ( Beings both biological and robotic), that can self replicate there numbers to millions to spread across the galaxy, colonizing planet after planet, encapsulating them in Dyson Sphere's creating a huge network to take back energy to our home planet.

But getting across the galaxy is still a problem, why you ask?

Even then we still have to abide by the law's of physics, one of them being Light Speed Travel.

Unless we have designed a working Warp drive, or taking out vast storage of energy to master Wormhole Teleportation, but still they both remain theoretical.

And one final thing i would like to know if you would like me to add links to some words i think you won't know the meaning of, making it more convenient for my reader's please leave your opinion in the comment's.

Example:  Dyson Sphere.

Thank you for reading Part 3  

 By Riaan.

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