Adding colour to one of My Singularity studies and playing with chickens.

I added some colour this morning to my Singularity sketched inspired by God waking Adam, but in my own way.


And here is the entire picture with the 'mother' dog. (I have to make my own thumbnails or Steemit will just post the center of the work.)


As I was messing about with colours this morning and painting the nature I think I might make this painting also take place partially indoors. As I have decided to do with my other Singularity piece "Pandora" I feel maybe a dilapidated manse seems the right sort of environment for my beings to start to awaken.

I originally had the idea for such an 'awakening' piece whilst chatting in comments with a fellow steemit artist. I love steemit for that.

Being an introvert who used to adore letter writing, there is something about the 'waiting for the post' in the comments section.

I don't feel that as much in the constant chat on places like discord. I mean I do love that connection, but there is just more fun in the comments as if someone has been and left a little note for me to find.

But, I digress, my point was that the joy of such interaction here on Steemit allows me to find and discover new aspects of subject matter and passion for my work. In fact, the very Singularity painting series I currently am so excited and infatuated with is mainly due to my time here on Steemit. From using various contests to challenge my subject matter to seeing amazing artwork by the likes of @reinhard-schmid, @gric and the like, I am constantly fueled into creating my imaginary worlds and going into them with paints and sketches.

I had toyed with the idea of the 'birth of man' concept for this painting being more like Michelangelo's "birth of adam" but felt, in this world I am making, that the waking of these hybridized human/bots would not be with a whizz and a heavenly bang, but more with the quiet rustle of a faithful dog or lick of a puppy.

In this world I felt that the coming to 'life' or going beyond their A.I. to feel the spark of humanitys spirit would better be represented by the faithful companions of man. The first and foremost being the Dog, surely. The idea that as the world quickly changed from a few wealthy people having robot arms or organs to the machine reprogramming the earth to see the human equation not important to it's existence, the faithful animals would have been there all along. They would still see and feel these humaoid creatures as their lovable and bipedal friends. And feel the pull towards them.

And maybe, in my own life, such an idea and fantasy is easy to come to when one is truly surrounded by friendly animal friends. In fact, this morning feeding my feathered friends my little clutch of chickens, made me smile thinking of this piece. For , in a way, they sort of 'wake me to my humanity' each morning with a crow. And they melt my heart when they see me and come running.


And they 'wake me to my humanity' again, when they delicately eat the snacks from my hand.


Even now as I sit in my little studio at the end of the house, I can hear my darling roosters making their little chuckle cluck sound when they 'show the hens' treats they have found in the soil.

And is it any wonder that in my quiet of the wood and sea here, with just the noise of Puss purring, Monty snuffling in his sleep or the quail outside my window coo cooing that I should think of these faithful friends as the means to help rekindle the human spirit?

Well, now that my morning art time has come and gone and my coffee gone cold, I have earned the break of my afternoon, which will be to play about in my garden. I suppose after animals, plants are next on my list of 'dear friends'. The isolation of the hermit artist, but I have to say I LOVE it.

I hope your day is filled with creativity and if you get the chance, pet an animal and thank them for their loyalty. You never know, they may save us one day :)

(by @atopy)

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